03 - 3D Printing and Scanning
This week we designed something and 3D printed.
For 3D printer, I designed a translucent threaded box, with a small detail of a hand on the lid, as well as some parametric pens.
For the scanner, I just scanned myself.
Tools: Rhinoceros, Grasshpper, MeshMixer, Stratasys J55 and Form 3L 3D Printers, Scanner
1|3 La cajita
First, I designed a threaded box to store my rings. I made the design with Rhinoceros as follows: first draw the box section and the thread system in section.
I used Revolve to turn those 2D elements into 3D, which I then joined using Boolean Union; the first thread with the lid, and the second with the lower part of the box, respectively.
I wanted to add a personal touch to the box, and tried exporting and importing it into MeshMixer to do some drawing on the top face of the lid. It didn't work so I tried doing it the other way around. That is, first design a hand in MeshMixer and then import it into Rhino. Used Boolean Union again to have a single mesh of both elements. Also use an Img of a 2D seamless texture as a displacement to give the object a 3D bump.
I printed the box on the Stratasys J55 Prime 3D printer, since the detail on the little hand would not work on the other.
In blue-purple color with an opacity of 50%, so I can guess what I have inside the box!
Taking this picture I dropped the box, I am missing one finger now :'(. Even so, the screw cap and turns great!
2|3 Printing Feathers
Following this first experiment, wanting to test the limitations of the printer, I designed some parametric feathers using Rhinoceros and Grasshopper.
I tried to print them on the CBA 3D printer without success. You can see the failure in the following image:
Such delicate designs were only possible to print on the print Form 3L 3D Printer. And still I had to increase the diameter of the upper feather lines, as you can see here. The first tests did not work, if the last ones.
3|3 Scanning
I used the Artec Leo for scanning my own body. The remeshing went pretty well, next time no silver studded boots for scanning with Leo! They reflect light and cause problems.