This week, I learned how to use Ender 3D Printer to 3D print and Artec Leo 3D Scanner to scan.

I first finished the group assignemnt to characterize the design rules with Tzu-Tung. We successfaully printed the unsupported assignments, and found out that bridge works up to 20 mm, while the overhang starts to "spaghetti" from 2 mm. As for angles, it worked pretty well up 20 degree. We met more serious problems when printing the

For indivisual assignment, I designed and printed a mount for caps. As my final project is about a tube decapper, I decided to add a mount for it to store the caps so that they are one-to-one corresponding. I measured the size of caps and the size of slots in our lab's Tecan machine and designed the mount. It's structurally simple and the printing didn't have any problem (took ~ 15 hrs).

For 3D scanning, I tried to scanned a tube cap so that I can print a capping for tubes. However, the resolution is not high enough for scanning such a small stuff. Then I decided to scan the box of the scanner. It's much better but still have some holes in the top.

Tools: Ender 3D Printer, Artec Leo 3D Scanner
Date: 09.28.2022 - 10.04.2022



Group assignment: overhang test.

Group assignment: beidges test.

Group assignment: angle test.

Group assignment: clearance test.

Group assignment: overhang test (failed).

The designed cap mount.

The printed cap mount.

The cap mount in use.

Scanning a cap.

Low resolution.

Scanning a bag.

Ok in general, still have holes.