Final Project Plan

I am planning on making a sound reactive led cloud. I hope to have it have different modes like sound reactive, random fade, and constant color.

System Layout

The system layout for this project is very simple. I have an electronics system, a physical layout, and a software system. For the electronics, I have an ESP32 connected to a power source, led strip, and a microphone breakout board. The mechanical system is layed out in the sketch below. I have cardboard housing for the electronics. Then I will wrap the leds on the outside of the cardboard and cover with the poly-fil to diffuse the light.

Physical Design

To achieve the look of a cloud I decided to laser cut a cloud shaped frame from cardboard. I decided to use cardboard


I currently have the leds changing brightness based on sound. I use a microphone breakout board to sense the sound. Then I programmed a very basic low pass filter so that it changes more on the bass rather than any fluctuations in noise. Because the SAM21E isn't very powerful, it lags a bit as you can see in the video.
I also have a very basic CAD for the housing for the electronics. The main goal of this is to provide a frame for the cloud to follow and the leds to cling onto.

Changes and To Dos

I have already have switched over to an ESP32 dev kit as the main board because it is much more powerful. I would like to remake my microphone board so that it has a built in low pass filter instead of a programmed one so it reduced lag. I also have to finish the CAD for the mechanical housing for all the parts. If time permits, I hope to create a networking interface

Final Project Videos

And here's my final project in its final form.