User Interfaces with Processing and ESP32

Posted on November 29, 2022 by Maxwell Yun

My goal this week was to produce an application that interfaces a user with an input and/or output device that you made. I decided to write an interface controlling a NeoPixel/WS2812 LED.

Follower-Side Code on ESP32

For the device under control, I used the ESP32 development board, which has a single NeoPixel LED onboard. This is indicative of how my NeoPixel bike lights would work, except without the need for an external power supply to drive so many LED’s. I wrote an Arduino program that would listen on the serial port for comma-separated values of the red, green, and blue colors for the lights. An example data packet would be: “128,64,48” corresponding to a red value of 128, green value of 64, and blue value of 48.

The Arduino code for the ESP32 interface is below:

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>

#define LED_PIN  18
#define LED_COUNT 1
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip(LED_COUNT, LED_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

void setup() {
 strip.begin();      // INITIALIZE NeoPixel strip object (REQUIRED);      // Turn OFF all pixels ASAP
 strip.setBrightness(50); // Set BRIGHTNESS to about 1/5 (max = 255)

String input = "";
int red, grn, blu;

void loop() {
 while (Serial.available() > 0) {
  red = Serial.parseInt();
  grn = Serial.parseInt();
  blu = Serial.parseInt();
  char r =;
  if (r == '\n'){}
  if (red > 255) { red = 255; }
  if (red < 0)  { red = 0;  }
  if (grn > 255) { grn = 255; }
  if (grn < 0)  { grn = 0;  }
  if (blu > 255) { blu = 255; }
  if (blu < 0)  { blu = 0;  }
 strip.setPixelColor(0, strip.Color(red, grn, blu));;

Leader-side GUI interface in Processing

For the GUI interface that controls the lights, I used Processing, a programming language for making visual interfaces. I used a library, UIBooster, to design a color picker wheel that would then set the desired color. The desired color would be sent over serial in comma-separated value (CSV) format to the ESP32.

The code for the Processing interface is below:

import uibooster.*;
import processing.serial.*;

Serial myPort;

color favoriteColor;

void setup() {
 size(0, 0, P3D);
 String portName = Serial.list()[1];
 myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
 favoriteColor = new UiBooster().showColorPickerAndGetRGB("Choose your favorite color", "Color picking");

void draw() {
 int redVal = int(red(favoriteColor));
 int greenVal = int(green(favoriteColor));
 int blueVal = int(blue(favoriteColor));
 myPort.write(str(redVal) + "," + str(greenVal) + "," + str(blueVal) + ",");
Key Takeaways
  • Leader-follower programming
  • Arduino serial port
  • Processing interfaces