Week 8

PS Error

This week was about taking some input and measuring it. For my final project sprint, I knew that I wanted to use a soil moisture sensor to optimize the amount of water that my plants get. Theoretically, I could directly test putting it into my finalized board with the ESP32, but before I milled that I wanted to make sure the sensor was working and giving me some values that made sense (spoiler alert: it worked easily, but not so easily when I moved over to the ESP32 just a bit later).

After connecting the sensor, which had a 5V input, and analog output, to a valid ADC pin on my board from week 6, I was able to get some nice values from the sensor. When I wrapped a damp cloth around it, the value went down, and when I wrapped a dry cloth around it, the value went up. This was the opposite kind of behavior that was intuitive to me with a "moisture" sensor measuring inverse moisture, but it made sense when I thought about it. The sensor is discharges a capacitor, and the more moisture in the soil, the more it will discharge. So, the more moisture, the lower the voltage, and the less moisture, the higher the voltage.

PS Error

This was a good first step to learning about sensors and interfacing with them -- especially for my final project.