**[Raiphy Jerez's site](./index.md.html)** Personal website for [MIT MAS.863/4.140/6.902(0)](https://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/863.22/) About me: I am a senior of Electrical Engineering at MIT. I like to build ambitious projects and learn from my mistakes. # [Final Project](./final/index.md.html) # [Week 1](./week1/index.md.html) model (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate, ...) a possible final project, compress your images and videos, and post a description with your design files on your class page # [Week 2](./week2/index.md.html) cut something on the vinylcutter design, lasercut, and document a parametric construction kit, # [Week 3](./week3/index.md.html) make an in-circuit programmer that includes a microcontroller, mill and stuff the board, test it to verify that it works # [Week 4](./week4/index.md.html) design and 3D print an object that could not be made subtractively, 3D scan an object # [Week 5](./week5/index.md.html) redraw an echo hello-world board, add a button and LED, check the design rules, make it, and test that it can communicate # [Week 6](./week6/index.md.html) make something big # [Week 7](./week7/index.md.html) browse through the data sheet for your microcontroller, use your programmer to program your board to do something # [Week 8](./week8/index.md.html) design a mold around the stock and tooling that you'll be using, mill it, and use it to cast parts # [Week 9](./week91011/index.md.html) measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you have designed and read it # [Week 10](./week91011/index.md.html) add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed, and program it to do something # [Week 11](./week91011/index.md.html) design, build, and connect wired or wireless nodes with network or bus addresses # [Week 12](./week12/index.md.html) write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that you made # [Week 13](./week13/index.md.html) Group Assignment: - design a machine that includes mechanism+actuation+automation+application - build the mechanical parts and operate it manually - document the group project and your individual contribution # [Week 14](./week14/index.md.html) Design and produce something with a digital fabrication process not covered in another assignment