This webpage is to document how I improved my website over time as I learned through HTML!

Week 1&2: 9/14/22 ~ 9/21/22

Brief summary: I learned about making a header, using classes, lists, changing text characers, and making new HTML pages. For the next week, I would lvoe to learn how to incorporate a background image (into the header), place a nagivation bar, control indexing, etc.

Week 3: 9/22/22 ~ 9/28/22

Brief summary: I learned about making a table and puting a navigation bar, but I can't move between pages... I hope to resolve this issue and make a dropdown next week for each weeks. I also want to add an Image Map with a pop-up so that each component description is included for week3 and add link to dxf file on the website. Ideally, I would complete my "About Me" page

Week 4: 9/29/22 ~ 10/5/22

Unfortunately, I got very sick. I completed my weekly page, but couldn't modify the webpage much. I attempted at incorporating a gif image to the header, which sadly broke my website, and thus, I had to reclone the git. I'm hoping to continue resolving my previous issues and making my webpage look more aesthetically appealing.

Week 5: 10/6/22 ~ 10/12/22

I fixed the navigation bar and tried adding a footer. I'm planning change the layout and the color of the footer eventually. I also added all 16weeks for recording my projects and a picture of myself! I think I'm getting better at organizing my pages. I'm happy with how my website is coming along. I'm planning to add a dropdown menu for my "weeks" nagivation bar and change the format of "website progress" site to make it more visually appealing.

Week 6: 10/13/22 ~ 10/19/22

I spent too much time on making my car, so I didn't have much time to polish my website. I completed recording my week 6 still! I'm hoping that I would have more time for the website next week.

Week 7: 10/20/22 ~ 10/26/22

I saw the confetti feature for week7 while researching into how I can make my website look more interesting! I still need to go through major modification of some layouts and completing my About Me page.

My current website!