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Weekly Takeaways

Table of contents
  1. Weekly Takeaways
    1. Week 0
    2. Week 1
    3. Week 2
    4. Week 3
    5. Week 4
    6. Week 5
    7. Week 6
    8. Week 7
    9. Week 8
    10. Week 9
    11. Week 10
    12. Week 11
    13. Week 12
    14. Week 13

Week 0

jeykll and just-the-docs for my own documentation site.
strapdown.js adapted by myself by adding Markdown, and MathJax 3 for $\LaTeX$ rendering. used as our EECS Group Assignments page and Machine Week DrawBot page.

Week 1

Adobe Illustrator to track silhouette of the target image for Vinyl Cutting
pretest tolerance for turning laser cutted 2D shapes to 3D

Week 2


Week 3

Python code to generate math shapes
3D scanner is not perfect in many ways, that’s where NeRF Studio comes in.

Week 4

Making a compact design of PCB.

Week 5

Fancy designs require fancier materials.

Week 6

Pull-up resistor (internal for SAMD) makes button stable.

Week 7

Scale down the resoltion of 3D models, it will never come out because of the precision of the CNC machine and the casting materials.

Week 8

Sanding traces if the mill end is not totally new. Hot air super satisfying and easy to use.

Week 9

Change Serial Config to TWO Wire for two I2C channels. Resistors can easily shortcut the traces beneath them.

Week 10

Integration is good if you have exactly what you want.

Week 11

App interface can be simple and beautiful.

Week 12

We can actually making a machine that creates art in a week.

Week 13

Inflatables are hard to model the resultant shape.