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CNC Machining – Rocking Lounge Chair

Table of contents
  1. CNC Machining – Rocking Lounge Chair
    1. Group Assignment for CNC Machining

Group Assignment for CNC Machining

do your lab’s safety training.
test runout, alignment, fixturing, speeds, feeds, materials, and toolpaths for your machine.

shown in Week 5 of EECS Group Assignments.

I am a big fan of living hinges. Since Week 1 of making some cardboard version of living hinges. Inspired by the living hinge version of the rocking lounge chair, I designed a simplified version using the cost-effective OSB material. Because Anthony reminded me that the OSB finishing does not have the density and strength to support living hinges.

Reference rocking lounge chair (living hinge version)
Designed rocking lounge chair (OSB version; no living hinges)

I really like the shape of this rocking lounge chair, I used the arc tool in Fusion 360 to replicate the rough structure of the shape by keeping four connecting points have tangent curvatures, as shown below.