This week, my goal was to design and build a connected wireless node using ESP32. This device supports WiFi and Bluetooth, and it can function as a micocontroller.
Many thanks to Yuval for sharing the ESP32 trace he downloaded and modified. I followed the board schematic linked on the course website and wired my board. It contains the ESP32, a sliding button, a reset button, 4 capacitators (one 0.1uF, two 1uF, one 10uF), one resistor (10k Ohm), a voltage regulator, and a 6pin header. Here is the finished schematic and board.
A satisfying soldering timelapse!
Then, I set up the ESP by following this tutorial. It was surprisingly easy. Then I uploaded the WiFi Scan code to it and tested it out. To upload, the sliding switch should be moved to the left. After the code is done uploading, the switch should be switched to the right. Here is a video of the process.