Networking Device


For networking in arduino IDE and networking devices please refer to inputs week 8


i learned to use kicad in order to view Treyden's ESP32 file.


In my frustration I just imagined taking a bite out of the board. Luckily, I had a plaster model of my teeth which I pressed into clay to trace my real bitemark onto the board.


ESP32 board traces


ESP32 board outline

designs designs

please refer to input devices as I tried to program that week.

I am using this space to share an ESP32 board design I made.

Click here for the shared project files

Click here for my attempt at networking with the esp32cam



Based on an ESP32cam design I could on the course website I designed my own board. Look to

Image Image Image

I designed it in Rhino and then adjusted the colors in illustrator.


I followed the ESP32 steps on Rehana's website to get started


But no port recognition?

On to asking for help… Leo confirmed something bizarre was going on. Turning on the network was turning off the camera and vice versa. A total of 3 people helped me check for shorts. No success. Quinton pointed out my extra set of pins wouldn’t work without power/ground. Noted. Still the ESp32 should have worked….

Leo’s skin was weirdly conductive. The light turned on when he touched it.


This is an attempt at networking as displayed on the input devices page of my website. As most things go, this did not work out. When i tried to open the networking function it would shut off the camera. I used code from random nerd tutorials that was suposed to wirelessly stream video.

Click here for the code I used as well as milling files.: