

and partial waterjet cutting

Image Image Image Image Image


I met with Kassia to work on embroidery on a whim, seeing as waterjet cutting might not be available until later in the week (electrical issues which are elaborated on in the next section). Kassia taught me to use inkscape. For my image, i went to DALLE, and asked for a modernist colorblocking image of a black and tan dachshund. I took this image into photoshop to posterize it and reduce the colors. i chose a scrap of canvas material and 3 colors of thread to print with. The process was relativly easy. I just followed instructions on screen.


I made this model on the circuit based on a papercard I had seen


I explored other forms on the laser cutter


The connected version was less effective


Unconnected was slightly more functional


The interface for the water jet metal cutter was actually the site wam.wazer.com


Nathan logged in and I played with several seetings to get the machine time down. Knots significantly increase cut times leading to the original file being in excess of 6 hours. By reducing the file sie and having more contionus segments I reduced the time to ~2 hours.


I was ready to go....the breaker pannel to the new waterjet cutter was not.

Waterjet Cutting

Waterjet cutting didn't work out this week. I had made a paper model on the cricut which I was excited to cut out of thin steel potentially for my final project. Unfortunatley due to electrical issues we were unable to get the machine up and running in the time alotted for this project. I tested on the laser cutter, exploring organic forms, and then when I saw no hope, I turned to embroidery.