The first step was to develop the design the board in Eagle. Following Leo's advice, I used a SAMD21 processor. I added a fixed LED, a button and a 6x2 connector to the board. At first, I had the idea of using a micro usb controller. However, after milling the first version, i realized that the connector was too small and impractical to use. Instead, I chose to use a USBA conector with a soldered-on adapter.
To route the board, I had to use multiple 0 ohms resistors.
Milling went smoothly, but I had a lot of trouble soldering the SAMD21 microcontroller. It took me 5 tries before I was able to solder it in place.
In the end, the technique that worked best for me was to put too much soldering on a whole side of the board. I then use the copper braid to remove the excess solder and am left with the right amount of solder on each pin.
I then bootloaded the board. During this step, I learned abnout the way OPENOCD and binaries work. After a failed attempt, I found the right binary for the SAMD21 and edited the OPENOCD program.
Once the board was programmed, I was quickly able to find it in the Arduino IDE.
In the Arduino IDE, i started by programming the onboard LED of my board. I was able to quickly make it blink on the press of the button. I based my work on Leo's example to make this part work.
#define PIN_LED_R 15
#define PIN_LED_MATRIX 10
#define PIN_LED_B 9
#define PIN_BUTTON 8
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
digitalWrite(PIN_LED_R, HIGH);
//digitalWrite(PIN_LED_G, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PIN_LED_B, HIGH);
//pinMode(PIN_LED_G, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
int value = digitalRead(PIN_BUTTON);
if (value) {
analogWrite(PIN_LED_B, 255);
} else {
analogWrite(PIN_LED_B, 0);
Once I managed to utilize the onboard LED, I tried to program the external LED matrix. To do so, I had to identify the right library to use. At first, I wanted to use the FASTLed library. However, I was unable to use it with the SAMD21. I think that it is incompatible with the chip. After a lot of research, I figured out that the Adafruit NeoPixel library was a good option.
I based myself off of an Adafruit tutorial to build the code. I was quickly able to project the snowflake on my matrix.
Their project was for an 8x8 snowflake; I adapted it to my 16x16 matrix and changed the design to make a heart. The NeoMatrix library was not very efficient and I had to write a line of code per pixel of the design.Once I managed to utilize the onboard LED, I tried to program the external LED matrix. To do so, I had to identify the right library to use. At first, I wanted to use the FASTLed library. However, I was unable to use it with the SAMD21. I think that it is incompatible with the chip. After a lot of research, I figured out that the Adafruit NeoPixel library was a good option.
I based myself off of an Adafruit tutorial to build the code. I was quickly able to project the snowflake on my matrix.
Their project was for an 8x8 snowflake; I adapted it to my 16x16 matrix and changed the design to make a heart. The NeoMatrix library was not very efficient and I had to write a line of code per pixel of the design.
To do so, I designed a 4 step animation of a beating heart in Google Sheets and used it as a map for each pixel. I then coded eveything in the arduino IDE and, after a little debugging, was able to get my heart to beat!.
To make sure I could wear the matrix, I then extended its wire. I soldered an extension and used shrink wrap and duct tape to insulate it.
I was impressed by what I had built. Not only was the final product very cool, it was also very durable. I had expected my prototype to break within the first minutes of my Halloween party. Nonetheless, to my surprise, it lasted all night! A fun bug I had throughout the night, is that, at random intervals, the heart would flash green instead of red. I could not control it and don't know what caused this.
This is a new step in my maker journey. I used something I built from scratch and felt pride showing it to my friends and telling them about the build process. I am also happy that I will be able to tweak the code and re-use it for other costumes and projects.