Output - RGB LED

I was curioushow many of the data pins I designed my board for could actually be used. Two of them (A08 & A09) were oscillator pins, so I wasn't sure if I could write to them in the same way. Turns out I can thanks to testing the RBG LED. I created a D11 board with extra pins in SVG-PCB & added some fun designs. The pins I chose to connect were based on the D11 datasheet, From here I chose to have the following pins be available via pins: GND, VCC, A05, A08, A09, & A14.

I connected the RBG to my available pins and the longest leg to ground. The program for it was similar to a regular LED. Each of the three colors had their own output pin, and RBG values can be used to make various colors

I printed the analog values to the serial plotter and observe the feedback by placing the sensor into my plant. The valueswhen the sensor was in wet soil is over 700. When the sensor was out of the soil, it read around 0.

Demo - unleash the rainbow!