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Computer-Controlled Machining

Group Assignment 🔗

✔️ Do your lab's safety training

✔️ Test runout, alignment, fixturing, speeds, feeds, materials, and toolpaths for your machine

Individual Assignment

✔️ Make (design+mill+assemble) something big (~meter-scale)

✔️ Extra credit: don't use fasteners or glue

⭕ Extra credit: include curved surfaces

1. The Waffle Ball

For this week, I want to create large organic form made of interlaced "waffle" structures.

I created this Waffle Ball, and hopefully it can roll on the floor.

2. The Process

1. Digital Design

How to make an organic form with flat boards? I created a procedural system in Cinema 4D which can automatically generate organic forms based on the input noise. Finally, I decided to go back to the purest and minimal form, that is, a sphere, a ball.

2. Generative Waffle Structure

3. Creating Cutting Path

The cutting path was created by Slicer for Fusion 360 based on the OSB board size. Then I used VCarve Pro to generate the G-Node file with following steps:

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  1. Open VCarve Pro
  2. (Optional) Manully move current paths to make sure their are enough gaps between different pieces.
  3. Set cutting depth.
  4. Set tool.
  5. Add tabs.
  6. Save as a new profile (i.e. cutting path for one physical piece).
  7. Generate the path file and save to any folder.

4. Cutting, Sanding and Assembling

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