Computer-Controlled Machining
✔️ Do your lab's safety training
✔️ Test runout, alignment, fixturing, speeds, feeds, materials, and toolpaths for your machine
Individual Assignment
✔️ Make (design+mill+assemble) something big (~meter-scale)
✔️ Extra credit: don't use fasteners or glue
⭕ Extra credit: include curved surfaces
1. The Waffle Ball
For this week, I want to create large organic form made of interlaced "waffle" structures.
I created this Waffle Ball, and hopefully it can roll on the floor.
2. The Process
1. Digital Design
How to make an organic form with flat boards? I created a procedural system in Cinema 4D which can automatically generate organic forms based on the input noise. Finally, I decided to go back to the purest and minimal form, that is, a sphere, a ball.
2. Generative Waffle Structure
3. Creating Cutting Path
The cutting path was created by Slicer for Fusion 360 based on the OSB board size. Then I used VCarve Pro to generate the G-Node file with following steps:
- Open VCarve Pro
- (Optional) Manully move current paths to make sure their are enough gaps between different pieces.
- Set cutting depth.
- Set tool.
- Add tabs.
- Save as a new profile (i.e. cutting path for one physical piece).
- Generate the path file and save to any folder.