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Input Devices

Group Assignment 🔗

✔️ Probe an input device's analog levels and digital signals that you have designed and read it

Individual Assignment

✔️ Measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board

Noise Controller

I want to use a physical input device to control motion graphics. I am particularly interested in computer-generated noise, so I decided to use a potentiometer to control noise inside TouchDesigner. I started with the multi-purpose D11C devkit board developed by Quentin Bolsee for rapid prototyping. I will continuously design and produce bespoke PCB boards based on the same schematic.

The Process

1. PCB Board Production

  1. Milling
  2. Sourcing and soldering
  3. Loading the bootloader

I did two multi-purpose boards, and one is working, while another is still under debugging.

D11C devkit board designed by Quentin Bolsee

SAMDino designed by Adrián Torres

2. Loading the Bootloader

I used the new method by following Arduino SAM Tutorial.

3. Programming in Arduino IDE

Serial communication between the board and TouchDesigner.

Testing with Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor

int potPin = A15;
int potVal;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:



void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

potVal = analogRead(potPin);



4. Programming in TouchDesigner

  1. Receive serial messages.
  2. Remap the data range from 0-1023 to 0-2.
  3. Use the data as Amplitude of the noise, which is used to displace the primitive square surface.


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