Today's week is to think about digital ways to design. I have some background in desiging in 3d since I study architecture. For many years I have used rhino. I also know fast rendering tricks. Anyway, we need to think about what do we want to make for the end of the semester.
I first lay down some sketches. My very inital idea is a lamp. The lamp is able to extend out and open up like a plant. So it is kind of like a transformable device which can operate by itself. The shells are clean boxy looking, yet the transformation mimic an organic growth. Reversely, the "plant" can retract into the original bar.
With in the large shell there will be smaller shells which also slide out. I tested two different kind of unfolding Again, it is just a quick idea to see how an extendable module will become like a "plant" in final form.
There are many other ideas come off from the form and composition. I was thinking maybe the construction can be a UV lamb that can light up my succulents. There can be a timer that dictates when the lamp turns on. The uv light will extend out and the bar can becomes an extended "plant".
I did a quick render just to show the two variations.