Electronics Design
Testing our Electronics Design
Project Description
I worked on this in KiCAD. I picked KiCAD instead of the other two since I don't want to pay for fusion after my educational licsence.
I was also confused by svg-pcb. There isn't widespread tutorial on this online since it is a new platform. Therefore, as a beginner, I think KiCAD is the best option for me.
PCD board
This is the final iteration of the circut which is closely put together
Planning out the paths to see if I could connect all my pins. But the layout was not set. THerefore , the board looks very big since I am just playing around.
Switching to PCB side after schematic design. It looks like my schematic design shows that the pins are crossing over too much, so I rotated it.
Schematic Design
Final Schematic Design, where I added, a button, resistors, and a LED which would help with the general functions of the board.
I wanted to have two pin connectors, one with pins SCL SDA for I2C communication with a network of IMU / accelorometers. I am not sure how it would work, but this is what I decided that is correct
Simiply putting components in the schematic design page. Putting XIAO board, and putting a bunch of pin connecter modules to see which ones I want to use.
Testing Equipment