Speech to Reality : Making Words Reality
Speech to Text to Mesh to Voxel to Toolpath to Assembly to Reality

Project Description
Speech-to-text-to-mesh-to-voxel-to-toolpath-robotic assembly

The ability to turn spoken words into physical objects could represent a significant shift in how we interact with the material world. In this framework, spoken words are more than just expressions of thought; words have the power to create and change reality.

Imagine saying 'I want a chair', and you get a chair in less than 5 minutes. The ease of using speech as an input makes this technology highly accessible, even to those without technical expertise in 3D modeling or fabrication. It democratizes the process of design and manufacturing, allowing more people to customize and create objects according to their needs or preferences. By producing items on demand and reusing voxel modules, we can reduce waste associated with mass production and inventory storage.

This project is in collabroation with Se Hwan Jeon. Special thanks to Neil Gren, Miana Smith and Center for Bits and Atoms for the lab space and the material. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with them.

Operating the Robot
Speech to Text - Accessing Microphone and Speech Detection
Text to Mesh - Command Line Interface / app.py

. Code for the Speech recogntion .
Voxelization - Informed Sorting / Assembly Sequence
End Effector Fabrication
End Effector Connection
Assembly - Finding Origin

Assembly Full Documentation


Conveyor Belt
Making a Conveyor Belt for the Voxels

PCB Milling in KiCAD
Test Conveyor Machine

Voxels + conveyor belt
Mechanism Design
Demo Day

PCB Soldering
Coding in Micropython
This is similar to the code fromn machine week
                        import machine
                        import time
                        def init():
                            global i_m
                            val_A, val_B = lookup_AB[i_m]
                            pin_A2.value(not val_A)
                            pin_B2.value(not val_B)
                        def move(steps, dt_ms=2):
                            global i_m    
                            n_steps = abs(steps)
                            direction = steps >= 0
                            delta = 1 if direction else -1
                            for i in range(n_steps):
                                i_m = (i_m+delta) % 4
                                val_A, val_B = lookup_AB[i_m]
                                pin_A2.value(not val_A)
                                pin_B2.value(not val_B)
                        pin_A1 = machine.Pin(6, machine.Pin.OUT)
                        pin_A2 = machine.Pin(7, machine.Pin.OUT)
                        pin_B1 = machine.Pin(28, machine.Pin.OUT)
                        pin_B2 = machine.Pin(4, machine.Pin.OUT)
                        pin_A_pwm = machine.Pin(27, machine.Pin.OUT)
                        pin_B_pwm = machine.Pin(29, machine.Pin.OUT)
                        # duty 0-65535
                        pwm_A = machine.PWM(pin_A_pwm, freq=5000000, duty_u16=19660)
                        pwm_B = machine.PWM(pin_B_pwm, freq=5000000, duty_u16=19660)
                        lookup_AB = [
                            [1, 0],
                            [1, 1],
                            [0, 1],
                            [0, 0]
                        i_m = 0
System Integration - Resetting the X-Y-Z of the voxel source coordinates
Updated Python Code for Robot Manipulation
The code for robot + converyor belt

                        import urx
                        import time
                        import numpy as np

                        # Fixed parameters
                        PI = 3.1415926535
                        movement_plane_height = 0.4
                        source_coordinate = [0.08, 0.15, 0.042]
                        in_to_m = 0.0254
                        voxel_xy_offset = [-0.03, -0.15, -0.035]

                        # Load in xyz coordinates of voxels, organized from bottom to top layer
                        voxel_coordinates = [
                            [6.0, 2, 4], [14, 14, 4], [2, 14, 4], [6.0, 2, 8.0], #0-5
                            [14, 14, 8.0], [2, 14, 8.0], [14, 10, 8.0], [14, 14, 12], [6.0, 2, 12], #6-11
                            [10, 2, 12], [2, 14, 12], [14, 10, 12],[2, 10, 12], [10, 6.0, 12], [6.0, 6.0, 12], #12-17
                            [2, 14, 16], [2, 10, 16], [10, 6.0, 16], [14, 10, 16], [6.0, 6.0, 16], [10, 2, 16], #18-23
                            [14, 14, 16], [6.0, 2, 16], [14, 2, 16], [2, 2, 16],  #24-30
                        for i in range(len(voxel_coordinates)):
                            for xyz in range(3):
                                if xyz == 1:
                                    voxel_coordinates[i][xyz] = -voxel_coordinates[i][xyz]
                                elif xyz == 2:
                                    voxel_coordinates[i][xyz] -= 4
                                # scale:
                                voxel_coordinates[i][xyz] = voxel_coordinates[i][xyz] * in_to_m
                                # offset
                                voxel_coordinates[i][xyz] += voxel_xy_offset[xyz]

                        # Setup robot as needed
                        robot = urx.Robot("")
                        robot.set_tcp((0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0))
                        robot.set_payload(2, (0, 0, 0.1))
                        acc_cmd = 2 # acc. and vel. for all movements
                        vel_cmd = 2
                        time.sleep(0.2)  # leave some time to robot to process the setup commands

                        # Helper functions for convenience
                        def deg2rad(deg):
                            rad = []
                            for i in range(len(deg)):
                                rad.append(deg[i] * PI / 180)
                            return rad

                        def translateEndEffectorGlobal(robot, p_des, p_root):
                            p_cmd = robot.getl()
                            for i in range(len(p_des)):
                                p_cmd[i] = p_des[i] + p_root[i]
                            p_cmd[3:6] = p_root[3:6]
                            print("Moving to global position: ", p_cmd)
                            robot.movel(p_cmd, acc=acc_cmd, vel=vel_cmd)

                        def translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, p_z, p_root):
                            p_cmd = robot.getl()
                            p_cmd[2] = p_z + p_root[2]
                            p_cmd[3:6] = p_root[3:6]
                            print("Moving to global Z position: ", p_cmd[2])
                            robot.movel(p_cmd, acc=acc_cmd, vel=vel_cmd)

                        def translateEndEffectorXYGlobal(robot, p_xy, p_root):
                            p_cmd = robot.getl()
                            for i in range(len(p_xy)):
                                p_cmd[i] = p_xy[i] + p_root[i]
                            p_cmd[3:6] = p_root[3:6]
                            print("Moving to global position: ", p_xy)
                            robot.movel(p_cmd, acc=acc_cmd, vel=vel_cmd)

                        def grabSourceBlock(robot, p_root):
                            source_coordinate_xy = source_coordinate[0:2]
                            source_coordinate_z = source_coordinate[2]
                            translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, movement_plane_height, p_root)
                            translateEndEffectorXYGlobal(robot, source_coordinate_xy, p_root)
                            translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, source_coordinate_z, p_root)
                            robot.send_program('set_tool_digital_out(0, False)')
                            translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, movement_plane_height, p_root)

                        def placeSourceBlock(robot, p_des, p_root):
                            translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, movement_plane_height, p_root)
                            translateEndEffectorXYGlobal(robot, p_des[0:2], p_root)
                            translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, p_des[2], p_root)
                            robot.send_program('set_tool_digital_out(0, True)')
                            translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, movement_plane_height, p_root)

                        if __name__ == '__main__':
                            # Startup procedure
                            print("Starting program...")
                            j_root = deg2rad([0, -90, 135, 225, -90, 45])
                            print("Robot root joint angles: ", j_root)
                            print("Moving to home...")
                            robot.movej(j_root, acc=acc_cmd, vel=vel_cmd)
                            robot.send_program('set_tool_digital_out(0, True)')  # open tool as default
                            p_root = robot.getl()  # global root position on startup
                            print("Robot global root position: ", p_root)

                            # Main code
                            for coord in voxel_coordinates:
                                grabSourceBlock(robot, p_root)
                                placeSourceBlock(robot, coord, p_root)
                            #translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, movement_plane_height, p_root)
                            #translateEndEffectorXYGlobal(robot, [0.08, 0.15], p_root)
                            #translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, 0.063, p_root)

                            # Shutdown procedure
                            input("Press enter to shutdown...")
                            print("Returning to root position and orientation...")
                            translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, movement_plane_height, p_root)
                            translateEndEffectorXYGlobal(robot, [0, 0], p_root)
                            robot.movej(j_root, acc=acc_cmd, vel=vel_cmd)
                            robot.send_program('set_tool_digital_out(0, True)')  # open tool as default

                            print("Program finished.")