Week 1
Computer-Controlled Cutting
I tried out computer-controlled cutting this week. I've used laser cutting machines a lot before, and this time I wanted to try out fabric instead of cardboard. I created a grasshopper script and used it to sample images. In essence, I used grasshopper to interpret an inverted black-and-white image as different sizes of circles.
I also tried many different settings for cut and score, the best was speed = 30, power =7 for score and speed = 30 power = 10 for cutting.
I then decided to make a construction kit based on knitting principles. Undoubtedly, cardboard is not the best material for that. Then, I made two unique modules in Rhino + Grasshopper to test whether they could also be realized as knitting in real life.
It did not turn out as I imagined with the thick cardboard that I had, but it was nice to see it can be possible with a little thinner and flexible material.
As a group, we tried out different settings and tried to find out what is best for our purposes.
My artwork, which was already in vectorized format, was used to create stickers for the next task, which involved using a vinyl cutter.
Due to their easy drawing style, stars turned out really well. I also wanted to test a more complex design, like the one on the right, but it proved to be impossible to complete.