Week 9

This week, I tried controlling servo motor with joystick, I used my existing board to achive this, here is a video demonstrating how it works!

And here is the code I used!


									Servo myservo;  // create servo object to control a servo
									// Define joystick pins
									const int joyX = A0; // joystick X-axis
									const int joyY = A2; // joystick Y-axis
									void setup() {
									  myservo.attach(2); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
									  // Initialize joystick pins
									  pinMode(joyX, INPUT);
									  pinMode(joyY, INPUT);
									void loop() {
									  int xVal = analogRead(joyX); // read the value from the joystick X-axis
									  int yVal = analogRead(joyY); // read the value from the joystick Y-axis
									  // Map the joystick value to a servo position
									  int servoPos = map(xVal, 0, 1023, 0, 180); // map X-axis value to a range of 0-180
									  myservo.write(servoPos); // set servo position
									  delay(15); // delay for the servo to reach the position