
Week 13 - Building Machines, son

group page // repo source files // objectives


Camera Shot >

(coordinated camera rigs (name tbd))

desc >

we voted on machine project ideas and although we had some close seconds, the idea that appeared to win out was this one!

hollywood and tv have access to nice camera rigs and the ability to coordinate these rigs such that scenes have multiple angles simultaneously, used to great effect. with a fab-accessible camera rig system, our final project presentation videos this year will blow every other year out of the water.

bullet point list of details:

major spirals >

  1. coordinate at least two of these motion stages to record the same subject at the same time (1-DOF)
  2. get a basic central controller working (camera operator controller)
  3. CAM/video pipeline to generate a finished video from the sum of the inputs
  4. add auto-tracking for each motion stage (and aiming)

inspo >

task delegation strategy >

this project has a low bar of entry to the first spiral and is easy to modularize, with a high ceiling for add-ons and creativity. makes it a great project for 15-20 people!!

task delegation will be organized by modules, which will be further sub-divided by tasks.

modules >

generic tasks for each module >

generic task delegation >

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