''' (c) 2021 Daniel Perron MIT License example of audio output using PWM and DMA right now it works only with wave file at 8000 sample rate , stereo or mono, and 16 bits audio GPIO 2 & 3 pin 4 and 5 are the output You need to use headphones with a 1K resistor in series on left and right speaker The myPWM subclass sets the maximum count to 255 at a frequency around 122.5KHz. The myDMA class allows to use direct memory access to transfer each frame at the current sample rate You need to install the wave.py and chunk.py from https://github.com/joeky888/awesome-micropython-lib/tree/master/Audio SDCard.py is available in https://github.com/micropython/micropython/tree/master/drivers/sdcard please be sure to rename it SDCard.py into the pico lib folder *** be sure to increase the SPI clock speed > 5MHz *** once SDCard is initialize set the spi to an higher clock How it works, 1 - We set the PWM to a range of 255, 1023 for 10 bits, at 122Khz 2 - We read the wave file using the class wave which will set the sample rate and read the audio data by chunk 3 - Mono files are converted to stereo by duplicating the original audio samples 4 - Each chunk are converted to 16 bit signed to unsigned char with the middle at 128 5 - Wait for the DMA to be completed. On first it will be anyway. 6 - The converted chunk is then passed to the DMA to be transfered at the sample rate using one of built-in timer 7 - Go on step 2 until is done. P.S. use rshell to transfer wave files to the Pico file system April 20 Version 0.1 --- Add DMA chainning. This removes the glitch betweem DMA transfer --- assembly function convert2PWM replace the struct pack and compack since it is not necessary to convert the binary string it is way faster. Version 0.2 --- Add mono audio file handling For Headphones 2K PIO2 -/\/\/-----+----- headphone left | === 0.1uF | PIO4 -----------+----- headphone ground | === 0.1uF 2k | PIO3 -/\/\/-----+----- headphone right For amplifier don't use PIO4 and the capacitor should be and connected to GND. ''' import wave import uctypes from myDMA import myDMA from myPWM import myPWM from machine import Pin #r0 buffer address #r1 number of word to do #r2 8 or 10 bit PWM #then r2 hold data reference by r0 #r3 = 32768 to convert (-32768..32767) to (0..65535) #r4 hold 255 or 1023 (8 or 10 bits) #r5 hold /64 or /256 ( 6 or 8 bit shift) @micropython.asm_thumb def convert2PWM(r0,r1,r2): #r3=32768 mov(r3,1) mov(r4,15) lsl(r3,r4) # 8bits or 10 bit PWM mov(r4,255) cmp(r2,10) bne(PWM8BITS) #ok we are 10 bits # set r4 for 1023 lsl(r4,r4,2) add(r4,r4,3) mov(r5,6) b(loop) label(PWM8BITS) #ok then this is 8 bits #r4 already to 255 mov(r5,8) label(loop) # get 16 bit data ldrh(r2,[r0,0]) # add 32768 add(r2,r2,r3) # shift right 6 bit or 8 bit lsr(r2,r5) # and 255 or 1023 and_(r2,r4) # store new data strh(r2,[r0,0]) add(r0,2) sub(r1,1) bgt(loop) pass @micropython.asm_thumb def interleavebytes(r0,r1,r2): #r0 MONO wav audio buffer address #r1 Stereo wav audio ouput buffer address #r2 number of halfwords (16 bit audio samples) from MONO buffer to convert label(loop) # get 16 bit data ldrh(r3,[r0,0]) # copy over strh(r3,[r1,0]) add(r1,2) # and duplicate for second channel strh(r3,[r1,0]) # point to next audio data halfword add(r1,2) add(r0,2) # decrement counter and loop unless zero sub(r2,1) bgt(loop) class wavePlayer: def __init__(self,leftPin=Pin(2),rightPin=Pin(3), virtualGndPin=Pin(4), dma0Channel=10,dma1Channel=11,dmaTimer=3,pwmBits=8): #DW, original code: # def __init__(self,leftPin=Pin(2),rightPin=Pin(3), virtualGndPin=Pin(4), # dma0Channel=10,dma1Channel=11,dmaTimer=3,pwmBits=10): #left channel Pin needs to be an even GPIO Pin number #right channel Pin needs to be left channel + 1 self.pwmBits=pwmBits self.PWM_DIVIDER = 1 if self.pwmBits == 10: self.PWM_TOP = 1023 self.PWM_HALF = 512 else: # 8 bits self.PWM_TOP = 256 #DW; original = 255 self.PWM_HALF = 128 #DW; original = 128 self.leftPin=leftPin self.rightPin=rightPin self.virtualGndPin=virtualGndPin # set PWM self.leftPWM=myPWM(leftPin,divider=self.PWM_DIVIDER,top=self.PWM_TOP) self.leftPWM.duty(self.PWM_HALF) self.rightPWM=myPWM(rightPin,divider=self.PWM_DIVIDER,top=self.PWM_TOP) self.rightPWM.duty(self.PWM_HALF) if not (self.virtualGndPin is None): self.virtualGndPWM=myPWM(self.virtualGndPin,divider=self.PWM_DIVIDER,top=self.PWM_TOP) self.virtualGndPWM.duty(self.PWM_HALF) # set DMA channel self.dma0Channel = dma0Channel self.dma1Channel = dma1Channel self.dmaTimer = dmaTimer def stop(self): self.dma0.abort() self.dma1.abort() def play(self,filename): # open Audio file and get information f = wave.open(filename,'rb') rate = f.getframerate() bytesDepth = f.getsampwidth() channels = f.getnchannels() frameCount = f.getnframes() # set number of Frames/chunk and DMAunitSize for Stereo samples DMAunitSize = 4 nbFrame = 2048 # adjust down if 1 channel (mono) if channels == 1: nbFrame= 1024 #DW: original is "nbFrame=1024" #number of 16bit audio chunks per Frame nbData = nbFrame*2 # Set DMA channel and timer rate # the divider set the rate at 2Khz (125Mhz//62500) # The multiplier use the sample rate to adjust it correctly ########################### ######################### if rate == 44100: self.dma0 = myDMA(self.dma0Channel,timer=self.dmaTimer,clock_MUL= 15, clock_DIV=42517) else: self.dma0 = myDMA(self.dma0Channel,timer=self.dmaTimer,clock_MUL= rate // 2800, clock_DIV=62500) self.dma1 = myDMA(self.dma1Channel,timer=self.dmaTimer) # don't need to set timer clock # original is "self.dma0 = myDMA(self.dma0Channel,timer=self.dmaTimer,clock_MUL= 15, clock_DIV=42517) #self.dma0 = myDMA(self.dma0Channel,timer=self.dmaTimer,clock_MUL= rate // 2000, clock_DIV=62500)" ############ ############ #setup DMA chain dma0 to dma1 and vice versa self.dma0.setCtrl(src_inc=True, dst_inc=False,data_size=DMAunitSize,chainTo=self.dma1.channel) self.dma1.setCtrl(src_inc=True, dst_inc=False,data_size=DMAunitSize,chainTo=self.dma0.channel) # need to alternate DMA buffer using a toggle flag toggle = True # need to start first frame First = True # loop until is done frameLeft = frameCount while frameLeft>0: # first DMA if frameLeft < nbFrame: nbFrame = frameLeft nbData = nbFrame*2 if toggle: t1 = f.readframes(nbFrame) #--- Duplicate mono audio samples to simulate stereo sound (on both channels) if channels ==1: t3 = bytearray(4096) # original, t3 = bytearray(4096) interleavebytes(uctypes.addressof(t1),uctypes.addressof(t3),nbFrame) t1=t3 #--- make t1 stereo data to PWM compatible convert2PWM(uctypes.addressof(t1), nbData,self.pwmBits) self.dma1.move(uctypes.addressof(t1),self.leftPWM.PWM_CC,nbFrame*DMAunitSize) # check if previous DMA is done while self.dma0.isBusy(): pass # start DMA. # Since they are chained we need to start the first DMA if First: self.dma1.start() First = False else: t0 = f.readframes(nbFrame) #--- Duplicate mono audio samples to simulate stereo sound (on both channels) if channels == 1: t3 = bytearray(4096) interleavebytes(uctypes.addressof(t0),uctypes.addressof(t3),nbFrame) t0=t3 #quentin says this code needs to go here #if ((t-t0) > sample_us): # t0 = t # duty_cycle = samples[sample] + pwm_range_mid # these three lines of code need to go on line 251 of wavePlayer # pwm0.put(duty_cycle) # sample += 1 # if (sample == cycle_count): # sample = 0 #--- make t0 stereo data to PWM compatible convert2PWM(uctypes.addressof(t0), nbData,self.pwmBits) self.dma0.move(uctypes.addressof(t0),self.leftPWM.PWM_CC,nbFrame*DMAunitSize) # check if previous DMA is done while self.dma1.isBusy(): pass toggle = not toggle frameLeft -= nbFrame if toggle: self.dma1.pause() while self.dma0.isBusy(): pass self.dma0.pause() else: self.dma0.pause() while self.dma1.isBusy(): pass self.dma1.pause() f.close() self.stop() if __name__ == "__main__": import uos import SDCard # mount SDCard from machine import SPI,Pin sd = SDCard.SDCard(SPI(1),Pin(13)) #need to pump up the SPI clock rate # below 3MHz it won't work! sd.init_spi(50_000_000) uos.mount(sd,"/sd") player = wavePlayer() waveFolder= "/sd" wavelist = [] for i in uos.listdir(waveFolder): if i.find(".wav")>=0: wavelist.append(waveFolder+"/"+i) elif i.find(".WAV")>=0: wavelist.append(waveFolder+"/"+i) try: for i in wavelist: print(i) player.play(i) except KeyboardInterrupt: player.stop()