Motion-activated Torus Light
made with embedded programming
To Do
Group Assignment
- compare the performance and development workflows for other architectures
Individual Assignment
- browse through the data sheet for your microcontroller
- write program for a microcontroller development board to interact (with local input &/or output devices) and communicate (with remote wired or wireless devices)
- extra credit: use different languages &/or development environments
- extra credit: connect external components to the board
- Software: Adobe Illustrator, Arduino IDE (integrated development environment)
- Machines: bandsaw, file, Epilog Fusion M2 32/40 Laser Cutter
- acrylic
- wood
- electronics componenets
Synthesizing processes
A synthesis of woodwork, laser cutting, magnets, and embedded programming. Serves the purpose of turning off a light from afar, simply by sound.
click here for video demo