//------------------------ ANJAWARE SNAKE Games With help from the net peoples ---------------------- #include #include // https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-GFX-Library #include // https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_SSD1306 // display set (width,height) Adafruit_SSD1306 display(128,64); // define input pins these are the pins on the arduino they never change so #define #define INTPIN D0 // only pins 2 and 3 can be interupt pins on UNO #define UPPIN D8 // these are pins connected tp relevant switch #define DWNPIN D9 #define LFTPIN D7 #define RHTPIN D10 #define SND 9 // define directions #define DIRUP 1 // these values is what the "snake" looks at to decide- #define DIRDOWN 2 // the direction the snake will travel #define DIRLEFT 3 #define DIRRIGHT 4 // set button variables // volitile cos we need it to update with the interupt so can be any bit of cycle value // is never higher than 4 so only need 8bit int to save resources volatile uint8_t buttonpressed=0; bool butup=0; bool butdown=0; // we use this to set true to "detect" which direction pressed bool butleft=0; bool butright=0; // snake ints byte snakePosX[30]; // array to make body of snake byte snakePosY[30]; int snakeX=30; // snake head position int snakeY=30; int snakeSize=4; // snake size count limited to the size of the array // world ints uint8_t worldMinX=0; // these set the limits of the play area uint8_t worldMaxX=128; uint8_t worldMinY=10; uint8_t worldMaxY=63; // collect scran(food) and position of scran bool scranAte =0; uint8_t scranPosX=0; uint8_t scranPosY=0; // scores variables long playscore=0; long highscore=0; // set high score to 3 collect as a starting point int delay_time = 50; int snake_width = 3; //--------------------------- this is what the interupt executes on voltage rise ------------------------- // void interruptpressed() // { // delay(150); // slight delay for added "bounce" protection // updatedirection(); // } // ------------------ update the direction value from button press ----------------- void reset(){ highscore=0; uint8_t rectX1,rectY1,rectX2,rectY2; display.clearDisplay(); display.setTextSize(1); display.setCursor(10,25); display.print("Restarting Game"); display.display(); display.setCursor(101,25); display.print("."); display.display(); display.setCursor(104,25); display.print("."); display.display(); display.setCursor(107,25); display.print("."); display.display(); rectX1=101; // set start position of line rectY1=0; rectX2=101; rectY2=63; for (int i =101;i<=110;i++) { uint8_t cnt=0; display.drawLine(rectX1,rectY1,rectX2,rectY2,BLACK); rectX1++; rectX2++; display.display(); } //Screen Wipe after fame over rectX1=0; // set start position of line rectY1=0; rectX2=0; rectY2=63; for (int i =10;i<=127;i++) { uint8_t cnt=0; display.drawLine(rectX1,rectY1,rectX2,rectY2,BLACK); rectX1++; rectX2++; display.display(); } display.clearDisplay(); playscore=0; // reset snake and player details snakeSize=1; snakeX=display.width()/2; snakeY=display.height()/2; waitForPress(); } void updatedirection() { // Serial.println("updatingdirection"); butup=!digitalRead(UPPIN); // check which input went high and set relevant bool true butdown=!digitalRead(DWNPIN); butleft=!digitalRead(LFTPIN); butright=!digitalRead(RHTPIN); if (butup && butdown) { reset(); } else { // these if statemeents look at which input went high and enters the relevant value in "buttonpressed" // variable, this variable dictates the direction of movement if(butup==true) { buttonpressed=DIRUP; // Serial.println("UP pressed"); // Serial.println(buttonpressed); butup=false; tone(SND,1500,10); } if(butdown==true) { buttonpressed=DIRDOWN; // Serial.println("DOWN pressed"); // Serial.println(buttonpressed); butdown=false; tone(SND,1500,10); } if(butleft==true) { buttonpressed=DIRLEFT; // Serial.println("LEFT pressed"); // Serial.println(buttonpressed); butleft=false; tone(SND,1500,10); } if(butright==true) { buttonpressed=DIRRIGHT; // Serial.println("RIGHT pressed"); // Serial.println(buttonpressed); butright=false; tone(SND,1500,10); } } } //-------------------------- draw the display routines----------------------------------- void updateDisplay() // draw scores and outlines { // Serial.println("Update Display"); display.fillRect(0,0, display.width()-1,8,BLACK); display.setTextSize(0); display.setTextColor(WHITE); // draw scores display.setCursor(2,1); display.print("Score:"); display.print(String(playscore, DEC)); display.setCursor(66,1); display.print("High:"); display.print(String(highscore ,DEC)); // draw play area // pos 1x,1y, 2x,2y,colour display.drawLine(0,0,127,0,WHITE); // very top border display.drawLine(63,0,63,9,WHITE); // score seperator display.drawLine(0,9, 127,9,WHITE); // below text border display.drawLine(0,63,127,63,WHITE); // bottom border display.drawLine(0,0,0,63,WHITE); // left border display.drawLine(127,0,127,63,WHITE); //right border } //----------------------------------- update play area ------------------------------ // void drawPixel(x, y, color, size=snake_width) { // } void updateGame() // this updates the game area display { delay(delay_time); display.clearDisplay(); // display.drawPixel(scranPosX,scranPosY, WHITE); display.fillRect(scranPosX,scranPosY,snake_width,snake_width,WHITE); scranAte = scranFood(); // check snake routines if (outOfArea()||selfCollision()) { gameOver(); } // display snake for(int i=0;i0;i--) { snakePosX[i] = snakePosX[i-1]; snakePosY[i] = snakePosY[i-1]; } // add a extra pixel to the snake if(scranAte) { snakeSize+=1; snakePosX[snakeSize-1]=snakeX; snakePosY[snakeSize-1]=snakeY; } updatedirection(); switch(buttonpressed) // was snakeDirection { case DIRUP: snakeY-=snake_width; break; case DIRDOWN: snakeY+=snake_width; break; case DIRLEFT: snakeX-=snake_width; break; case DIRRIGHT: snakeX+=snake_width; break; } snakePosX[0] = snakeX; snakePosY[0] = snakeY; updateDisplay(); display.display(); } // --------------------- place the scran ------------------- void placeScran() { scranPosX=random(worldMinX+snake_width,worldMaxX-snake_width); scranPosY=random(worldMinY+snake_width,worldMaxY-snake_width); } //------------------------ SCRAN ATE POINT UP ---------------- bool scranFood() { if(snakeX>scranPosX-snake_width && snakeX= scranPosY-snake_width && snakeY < scranPosY +snake_width) { playscore=playscore+10; if (delay_time > 10) { delay_time=delay_time-3; } tone(SND,2000,10); updateDisplay(); placeScran(); return 1; } else { return 0; } } //--------------------- out of area---------------------- bool outOfArea() { return snakeX <= worldMinX||snakeX >=worldMaxX-snakeSize ||snakeY<=worldMinY|| snakeY>=worldMaxY-snake_width; } //---------------------- game over-------------------------- void gameOver() { delay_time = 50; uint8_t rectX1,rectY1,rectX2,rectY2; rectX1=38; rectY1=28; rectX2=58; rectY2=12; display.clearDisplay(); display.setCursor(40,30); display.setTextSize(1); tone(SND,2000,50); display.print("GAME "); tone(SND,1000,50); display.print("OVER"); if(playscore>=highscore) //check to see if score higher than high score { highscore=playscore; //single if statment to update high score } for(int i=0;i<=16;i++) // this is to draw rectanlges around game over { display.drawRect(rectX1,rectY1,rectX2,rectY2,WHITE); Serial.println("if loop"); display.display(); rectX1-=2; // shift over by 2 pixels rectY1-=2; rectX2+=4; // shift over 2 pixels from last point rectY2+=4; tone(SND,i*200,3); } display.display(); //Screen Wipe after fame over rectX1=0; // set start position of line rectY1=0; rectX2=0; rectY2=63; for (int i =0;i<=127;i++) { uint8_t cnt=0; display.drawLine(rectX1,rectY1,rectX2,rectY2,BLACK); rectX1++; rectX2++; display.display(); } display.clearDisplay(); playscore=0; // reset snake and player details snakeSize=4; snakeX=display.width()/2; snakeY=display.height()/2; waitForPress(); // wait for player to start game } //-------------------------wait for presss loop ------------------------- void waitForPress() { bool waiting=0; // loop ends whjen this is true display.clearDisplay(); while(waiting==0) { drawALineForMe(WHITE); // draw a random white line drawALineForMe(BLACK); // draw a random black line so that the screen not completely fill white display.fillRect(19,20,90,32,BLACK); // blank background for text display.setTextColor(WHITE); display.setCursor(35,25); display.setTextSize(2); // bigger font display.println("SNAKE"); // x y w h r col display.drawRoundRect(33,22,62,20,4,WHITE); // border Snake display.drawRect(19,20,90,32,WHITE); // border box - 3 display.setCursor(25,42); display.setTextSize(0); // font back to normal display.println("press any key"); display.fillRect(0,0,127,8,BLACK); display.setCursor(10,0); display.print("High Score :"); // display the high score display.print(highscore); display.display(); Serial.println("waiting:"); Serial.println(!digitalRead(UPPIN)); Serial.println(!digitalRead(DWNPIN)); Serial.println(!digitalRead(LFTPIN)); Serial.println(!digitalRead(RHTPIN)); waiting = (!digitalRead(UPPIN)) || (!digitalRead(DWNPIN)) || (!digitalRead(LFTPIN)) || (!digitalRead(RHTPIN)); Serial.println(waiting); // waiting = digitalRead(INTPIN); // check to see if key pressed waiting will change to 1 ending while buttonpressed=0; // reset button press to no direction } } //--------------------DRAW a random line input colour uint8_t------------------- void drawALineForMe(uint8_t clr) { uint8_t line1X,line1Y,line2X,line2Y=0; // set random co-ordinates for a line then draw it // variable no less no more line1X = random(worldMinX+1,worldMaxX-1); line1Y = random(worldMinY+1,worldMaxY-1); line2X = random(worldMinX+1,worldMaxX-1); line2Y = random(worldMinY+1,worldMaxY-1); display.drawLine(line1X,line1Y,line2X,line2Y,clr); } //------------------------------------- collision detecion ------------------------------- bool selfCollision() { for(byte i=3;i