How to Make (Almost) Anything

Hi, I'm Amy Cole Vreeland. I'm a doctoral student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education studying to become a school district superintendent. I have no prior experience in design, engineering, or anything related to digital fabrication.

I'm taking this class for two reasons. First, professionally, I'm interested in bringing these types of learning experiences into k-12 educational settings and to observe the pedagogical approach. Second, personally, I'm interested in stretching as a learner. It's rare that I study topics completely outside my field and I've never done anything like this before, so we'll see what happens!

final project 1: computer-aided design 2: laser cutting 3: embedded programming 4: 3D scanning & printing 5: electronics design 6: electronics production 7: molding & casting 8: input devices 9: output devices 10: computer-controlled machining (CNC) 11: machine design 12: networking & comms 13: interface & app programming 14: wildcard