
Inspired by Hexbugs, Sexbugs are a more complicated tiny robot that is capable of traversing its environment with its legs, engaging in sexual intercourse with other sexbugs, communicating with other sexbugs, and evolving over time.
Image 50 Image 50 Image 2
The construction was divided into a few sections.

1. Electronics Production
Electronics Production preview

2. Attempted Leg Production
Leg Production preview

3. Frame Production
Frame Production preview

4. Assembly
Assembly preview

5. Interface Creation
Interface preview

I previously wanted to make an AI recorder, but I scrapped that due to lack of alignment with the class.

Electronics Production

This section details the creation of the PCB. It contains 1 ESP32, 1 MPU9250, 1 vibrator motors, 1 RGB LED, and 1 Hall Effect sensor.

First I solder a hall effect sensor to some wires to test it out and ensure it will work.
Image 4 I then design a PCB to include all of the parts. I create a separate PCB for the hall effect sensor since that will attach to the back of the frame.
Image 7
Image 12
I then attempted to use the reflow oven to connect the back battery plates. This did not work effectively so I capitulated to using the hot air gun. Don't fade Anthony. Only one of them had good conductivity
Image 28 Image 29
Mid hot air gun model pic Image 31 After hot air gunning them all, we have 4 esp32s secured to pcbs
Image 33 Image 34 Image 35
We then solder the rest of the components to the pcb. Electronics Production preview

Attempted Leg Production

Hexbugs have rubber legs that allow them to move around - I wanted to see if I could come up with something that was more similar to actual hexbugs rather than a toothbrush. This ended up not working due to limitations in materials. Image 6 I first start with a basic design and cast the mold
Image 6 Image 5 Image 9
I create a plastic mold, and the legs get stuck and break due to being too thin. Image 13 I made a mold with different leg thicknesses to avoid this issue.
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I then cast the legs and they come out looking pretty good, but not functional.
Image 17 Image 18
You can see that the legs don't work :(. This is a materials limitation and probably would have taken 5-10x + iterations to get it right.

Frame Production

I then create a 3D printed frame for each of the sexbugs. I wanted something that could easily clip on and off so the electronics could be easily accessed for flashing purposes, and so that colors could be mixed and matched between bugs.

I make a design mimicking the hexbug aesthetic. I actually didn't chatgpt or any outside sources of inspiration!
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Here's the initial version with the electronics inside. I realized that to attach a battery, hall effect sensor and fit the motors properly I would need something slightly bigger.
Image 20 Image 21
I increased the length of the body so all the parts could fit easily, raised the height so the toothbrush would be more hidden, added slits for easy wiring, added space for a battery.
Image 23
I then 3D print the frame. It was 6a so EDS was not an option. I went to n52 but all of the bambu's were being used. I was stuck with the Prusas and spend hours debugging. I ended up just starting the print on all the printers and hoping for the best.
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I then went to EDS after my all nighter to start the print on a functional printer. I went to sleep right afterwards. Image 27


This section details the assemby of the whole system. Gluing magnets, wires, and inserting the parts.

Here we glue the magnets down so that the lid can snap on and so that the bugs can communicate.
Image 43 Image 47
Putting the battery and pcb into the frame.
Image 49 Image 50
Snipping the heads of off the toothbrush handle Image 48 I glue down the toothbrush heads and the motor. Image 40 I glue down the hall effect sensor. Image 54 The magnet lid snaps on. Some photos of the full assembly.
Image 41 Image 42 Image 44
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I cut my hand and burned my finger on the soldering iron within a 15 minute period :(. Image 45 More photos
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It is working!

Interface Creation

I create a web server on my laptop that communicates with all the sexbugs via websockets over local wifi.

I first started by getting the reported data from the bug into my computer.
I then add some slighters to be able to write to the bug's LED and motors. I then added a chart that increases each time the bugs contact another bug's hall effect sensor.
Upon starting the program, the bugs connect to the web server and start randomly moving around. The chart updates in accordance to their interactions.


The aftermath Image 1