# Happiness Tracker
## Overview
I'm very interested in personal optimization and social engineering. I decided to make a happiness tracker. I would track my happiness throughout the day and then analyze the data to see what makes me happy.
## Starting out
I started out by learning how to use the arduino software and build the circuits. I went to various example projects on wokwi and copied the circuit design and code so that I could port in a potentiometer and button. The potentiometer would allow you to select how happy you are. Upon pressing the button it would POST to a web server that stores the happiness.
I then figured out how to connect it to wifi.
I finished up the Potentiometer slider and button functionality. [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4DhqGCaSvE)
I gpt'ed a quick webserver where you can POST data to it and then retrieve all past happiness data.
By this point, I tried to add HTTP requests so that I could post to the server. However, wokwi was not able to compile this new program within the 100s limit. By this point, I pivoted to trying to run the ESP32 in real life so that I could use a real compiler and circumvent this limitation.
My circuit for the button ended up breaking, so I wasn't able to get it working. Here's my broken circuit during debug.
I spent several hours fixing this connection bug as well :(