Final Project
BuyBye - a thrifting peer-to-peer vending machine.
Where I summarize all my failures and learning process in MIT's Fall 2024 HTMAA class from the Media Lab. Hopefully finally leading to a working MVP I will deploy on MIT Westgate housing. Enjoy!
BuyBye - a thrifting peer-to-peer vending machine.
A laser-cut kit for making 3D trivets, adaptable for different kitchenware shapes
First steps in understanding embedded architectures and their processors.
Shabbat candles oranges candlesticks.
Finding the right components for my final project and designing a circuit.
Milling the electric board, soldering components, and testing.
Casting Drystone into Oomoo molds - 2nd iteration of candle holders.
Integrating a keypad
Integrating indicator leds and servo.
Waterjetting Polycarbonate Doors
Stacking and arranging blocks - group project
Connect the Xiao to a backend of the webapp
Building the frontend with Sveltekit.
Taking on embroidery.