
Comfort 1: Heat Faxer (Log)

Send warmth

What if you can send warmth to your long distance friend/partner?
Background Background
How would the interface for sending warmth be like?

This version is a quick sketch of a scenario where a person would send their hand temperature to their partner when it is in "send" mode and if the faxer is in "receive" mode, the partner's faxer will match the temperature. The second image is a version where the temperature also becomes visual by heat mapping.

I actually don't really like how it looks so static in this version. Should it be a doll that you hug? Should it be interacted with only the hands? Should the whole body be engaged?
It needs a friendly form
Went down the rabbit hole and collected a bunch of friendly forms. It seems like blobby forms that resemble baby animals seem to be most visually inviting.