Overview Link to heading

A page to the full project can be found on the EECS section of the website, thus I shall elaborate only on my work.

As part of the Barduino, I was part of the Stirring subsystem. After discussing some possible designs with both staff and other members of the subsystem, we all had a pretty good idea of how to strike the balance between effectiveness and effort.

I entrusted myself with the task of creating the mechanical basis of our stirring mechanism and of procuring necessities. The reason for this unusual assignment even though my experience lies not in CAD-ing, but rather on the software side was that I had 24/7 access to my dorm’s 3d printer and the mechanical side of things was the most urgent.

The magnet holder design Link to heading

My first task was to design a support for the bottom motor that would spin the magnets. I first determined through successive prints what width should the hole in my support be for it to stick nicely on top of the shaft. After that I printed a couple of supports designed for different magnet shapes:

Magnet Circle

Magnet Circle

Magnet Square

Magnet Square

Spool design Link to heading

I also had to design a spool for the floss that we will use to lower and raise the stir bar. The spool design burrowed from the hole size from my magnet holder design since they were both to be affixed to the same sort of shaft. My idea was to split the spool into two identical parts that would both slide on to the shaft:

Origin spool half

Origin spool half

Unfortunately, at some point we switched to a motor with lower RPM, but a higher torque, so I had to redesign the spool entirely. Among my changes, I have up on splitting the spool in two halves and instead I made the spool out of a single piece with a hole in the middle for the floss to go through.

New spool full

New spool full

Supports for motors Link to heading

I also designed various support for the two motors that we used. Two of my supports are obviously for use with the spool(as can be observed from the small slit on their bottom platforms), while the other vertical support is meant for the motor which will spin the magnets.

Support magnet spinner

Support magnet spinner

Support spool old

Support spool old

Support spool new

Support spool new

Cad files Link to heading

Below, I have added CAD files for objects designed for this week:

Download Holder Circle Download Holder Square Download Magnet Support Download Spool Full Download Spool Half Download Support Spool Download Support Spool 2