I kept this week pretty simple.
I made a simple circuit using a Force Sensitive Resistor to sense the amount of force I apply over a little area. The circuit was a voltage divider which allows the pins to measure the change in resistance over the FSR.
Below is the code and the output from the Analog readings. This showed values from 0 to 4095 indicating how much force was applied to the sensor.
Below is the code and the output from the Digital readings. I established a threshold of 2048 (about half of the maximum analog reading) which allowed binary readings of HIGH or LOW on the signal monitor.
My thesis project concerns trying to sense VOCs indicative of lung cancer in one's breath using chemi-resistive sensors. Below is the PCB with attached sensors that we've been using.
The below table contains the sensors we've been using.
This is an example of the output from one of the sensors in the array, ENS160.
I kept this week simple because I was really busy. The FSR was a really simple input device to use to collect analog and digital data. A big portion of my thesis project concerns input devices/sensors, so I think this reflects work towards becoming familiar with input devices.