this week's assignment was to visualize a final project using 2-d and 3-d design. in order to do this, i sketched up a candle snuffer. my idea essentially is to have a container that fits many candles and connects via wifi or bluetooth to snuff candles if you forget to blow them out. a motor will connect to the lid of the snuffer, and the motor will rotate until the lid covers the candle. at that point, oxygen deprivation will extinguish the candle. i used photoshop to assemble these elements.
i attempted to model the closing mechanism of my project in blender, as i believed that was the hardest part to visualize. i followed several online tutorials, but this one was really helpful in understanding the animation element. i constructed this by making a circle, extruding the walls only (for the base). then, i made another extruded circle for the lid and set the pivot point to the edge of the circle.
i ran into a bit of trouble rendering the animation for my project. despite several online tutorials, i was unable to record the rotation or manipulate the texture of the rendered object. if i could redo this project, i would model using fusion. i think the animation element is helpful but i found the interface so difficult to navigate that i couldn't add any of the other elements that would have tied this CAD together (like a candle inside, the sisyphus holding it up, an actual rod through the lid and base)