final project 1

this week was electronic input week, which i (sadly) failed

i began by milling a new pcb that i could use for inputs and outputs, with the input being a microphone, and the output being a neopixel led strip. i ended up having to remill this because the first time i milled it and attached the xiao, i ended up shorting the xiao. on the second go, i was sure to tape the parts of the board/xiao that were not in use and i tried to be more precise with my solder.

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i then attached my microphone and sockets/headers for the led strip. i added code from the ps70 website to generate a graph of what the microphone captures, but i think i shorted ground/power because the xiao would turn on but my code wasn’t working (although didn’t have any errors).

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planning on returning to this topic later this week/early next week in order to use capacitive touch sensors instead of a microphone.