Welcome to my HTMAA website!
My name is Anthony Fletcher and I am a senior at Harvard studying Economics with a minor in Computer Science. I am from San Antonio, Texas originally. I love the outdoors, and playing sports. I really enjoy golf and soccer. I have previous experince doing finance but realized that I do not want to do that full time. I have worked on a construction startup buidling out an AI tool to help construction estimators speed up their process. This past summer I worked at JP morgan and then a construction company where I got to see a coupleof differnt ways of fabriacation in their prefabrication shop. I am strating from scratch in this class and have minimal frame of refrence for many of the topics we will be covering. This is kind of exciting becasue this seems like a whole new world for me to approach and try to learn. A lot of people I meet say hardware is hard so I am excited to put that theory to the test.
For my final project, I am interested in building something that can help improve preofmrance or related to sports.