Group and Individual Assignment

Group Assignment:

Use the test equipment in your lab to observe the operation of a microcontroller circuit board

For the group assignment this week, I experimented with some of the equipment in the REEF. I worked with David, Sara, Alex, and Namirah. Initially, we were not sure what we should do, so we started out by first finding a microcontroller circuit board. We used the Seeed Studio Xiao esp32C3 because it was simple to hook up to the breadboard and had USB-C connectivity to our computers.

Lid Hinge Mess Up

We started by using the soldering equipment in the REEF to solder the microcontroller to sticks, which we could then put on the breadboard. I know they are not called sticks, but I have forgotten their real names. Basically, the things that go through the holes and help attach. This soldering process was certainly a learning process and reminded me a bit of welding in my construction job last summer.

Holder Cuva
Holder Lines

After completing this solder, we then wired a breadboard and wrote code to make an LED light blink on the breadboard. We were successful with this initial test.

Lid Hinge Mess Up

I then decided to test out a pump with the power supply in the REEF. Because I will need a pump for my project, I was trying to start prototyping with one. I borrowed a friend's 12 V pump for this test, which is shown below. I discovered that this motor will run at as little as 3 V, which is perfect for connecting to a Xiao or Pi Pico Board.

Holder Cuva
Holder Lines

Individual Assignment:

Use an EDA tool to design a development board to interact and communicate with an embedded microcontroller

I am completely new to electronics and literally understood nothing about the assignment this week. So I ended up going to YouTube to try and learn some stuff. I initially was looking up PCB courses to try and take some, and Altium had some. However, I cannot download this on my Mac, so I figured I might as well use KiCad or Eagle. KiCad seemed pretty simple, so I ended up using it.

I did not even know what schematics were, so the first video I watched was on how they are structured. The Link is here: YouTube Video.

This was extremely helpful in learning what symbols were. Further, for all the individual schematic symbols, I was able to look things up for them to understand what they are, such as resistors, capacitors, and more.

I then watched this video on the Pi Pico to understand more about the microcontroller. I should have done this last week. That would have helped a lot. Nevertheless, it was still extremely useful now. YouTube Video on Pi Pico

What really clicked for me was realizing that a PCB board is just a slicker breadboard, or at least that is how it works in my head. I then got to designing.

I started by plotting out an idea. I wanted to be able to simulate building a traffic intersection with my PCB board. I got to designing and decided to use a 3-color LED light to act as it. It is RGB, so blue will just have to act as yellow for now. I downloaded KiCad and then libraries for it and started getting my materials on the schematic.

Holder Cuva
Holder Lines

I decided to go with the Pi Pico because I was comfortable with it after watching the YouTube video and felt that I understood how its connections worked.

I started by dragging out the resistors onto the schematic and the lights. I needed 3 resistors for every RGB LED. I then attached everything to different GIPO pins on the Pi Pico and then to ground. I also added buttons to act as the buttons pedestrians push on the street.

Holder Cuva

After I designed my schematic, I pushed it out to the PCB design tool. I did not realize initially that each line could not touch one another, so I spent a bit of time dragging and re-dragging things, then re-editing in my schematic to make sure the connections worked. However, they ultimately did. It ended up being quite challenging because I wanted my LEDs to be placed around each other on the final PCB board. I was also initally confused as to what reppresentaded the ground ports on the PCB but after looking at the datasheet I realized which are which

Holder Cuva
Holder Cuva
Holder Cuva
Holder Lines