In a lot of video editing and visual effects contexts it is very important to be able get the same shot repeatedly. In order for most professional video productions to do this is they use a robotic arm which allows them a wide range of motion and very precise control over the path their camera takes. However, robot arms are not in my budget.
This effect above is comprised of at least two shots shot on a robotic arm, and then spliced together in editing
This is where my robot idea comes into place, I want to build a robot that allows me to get very precise, and repeated shots. I do not plan to build a robotic arm, but I want to have precision control over my camera through a space. I have two main ideas for how I would like to acheive this
Being inspired by these train track toys I played with as a kid, I could image making a bunch of premade tracks that I could place in an environment which gives me a decent amount of flexibility in the movement of the robot, while also giving me added precision when compared to just driving on the Ground because I it would have many less imperfections as well I could embedded further electronics into the tracks if needed to help better determine the position of the robot.
How do you make a camera better? Add more cameras. The idea for this would be to just great a camera cart that could move through a space maybe with some IR markers on it with some IR Cameras positioned around the room and then I try and calculate the position of the robot using these cameras to then accurate move through a space