We learned to embed programming into microcotrollers through mostly simulations. First, it was important to understand the general terms found on microcontrollers.
I wanted to dive deeper into two microcontrollers: the arduino uno board and the raspberry pi pico. The arduino uno is a microcontroller that I have been more familiar with so I wanted to learn more about it's different features from a more familiar perspective. The Raspberry Pi Pico was mentioned in class and since both were on Wowki, thought it would be fun to explore this microcontroller as well.
I was curious how the pin labels for Raspberry Pi Pico and for a quick comparison used the help of our friend ChatGPT.
I will have to double check these later once accessing the physical versions and testing- and will update my findings from above. Anyways, I was getting excited and began my first program for each:
A simple blinking light simulation!
I want to explore how each module could adapt to two more sensory inputs and outputs: touch and auditory- tbd