Week One: Computer Controlled Cutting

Traditionally computer controlled cutting is about making things on the lastercutter. In this week I designed little Cat's on the lasercutter, but also I decided to learn the Fablight. For metall lasercutting.


First, lets briefly talk laser cutting. we did this before. We know press-fit kits; kerf; etc. !

For the group assignment we all did the kerf check, Jonny led. And I shared this kerf-tool from japan which was fun.


for my Pressfit case I made little 2D cubist paintings that can be re-assembled randomly into different types of sculptures. Also it was good to remind myself of the lasercutter specific to this lab.

I also help Franscisco to make this sticker on the Cricut.


Alan was kind enough to teach me the Fablight!!

This was a fun and overwhelming process;

Note: I have since used it a couple of times and the process got easier and easier very quickly, but it was fun to get to know. And I didn't properly document the other times.

So this will be a rapid fire picture show with a couple of notes.

TAB YOUR FILES! Otherwise they end up in the metall GRAVEYARD.

After the showed it to me using some of the files he was working on, I made my own files to try and cut.

It is really important to tighten down the material before you cut.


laser cut
fablight test