tensegrity structure, will it stand?
I simulated my worst nightmare
Scanned and printed a simple shape
placeholder LED circuit design
placeholder LED circuit milling
I am a fab class student, responsible for:
Attending class lectures and participating in reviews
Developing and documenting assignments, with enough information to be able to reproduce your work
Honestly reporting on my work, and appropriately attributing the work of others (both human and machine)
Allowing my work to be shared by the class (with attribution)
Working safely
Following applicable health and safety guidance, including waste disposal
Leaving workspaces in the same (or better) condition than I found them
Participating in the upkeep of my lab
Recognizing limits on lab and staff time
Promoting a respectful environment free of harassment and discrimination, and encouraging community participation
Signed by committing this file in my repository,
Francisco Ramirez Serrano