Week 9

Making Anything Move At All

This week was insanely busy with my lab's research -- so I did the minimal "Hello World" project.

Group Assignment

I was in meetings for all trainings, so Erik was so kind to give me an extra session later in the week. Grateful!

We also got to play with the new special powermeter, Approved by Neilâ„¢

Image of Erik

Ohm's Law abounds.

Hello Servo

The best output of this week: I got better at soldering. Turns out practice does make perfect. Well, we're still far from perfect -- but progress.

Image of soldering work

I soldered on a servo to my final project's little MVP board.

Image of servo

Here I'm using simple test code to make sure my code isn't the bottleneck, and troubleshoot from there. Here for example:

#include <Servo.h>

#define SERVO_PIN 0

Servo myServo;

void setup() {

void loop() {


And after some troubleshooting, the servo servo'd. Hurray!

[To be continued on the path to my final project...]