Unfortunately this week, not much progress was made. Due to a combination of having to miss class after being out of town, my family coming to Boston for the first time to visit me for Thanksgiving, and getting sick that weekend, I was not able to test an interface with a board this week. And like Neil has said, once behind, it's hard/near impossible to catch

Based on clicking through the links on the class site and doing a little exploration though, I would be excited to try out a few of the basic graphics applications like Taichi and WebGPU for visualizing input data. I believe that these could be great ways to visualize capacitive touch inputs to show my grid/array of pads. To do so, I could use one of my existing esp32S3 boards and sift through some example files to determine how to get that to work in python. It will be a challenge for me to get up and running since coding is not my background, but it will be good practive and I will get to is ASAP!

Class team Fusion workspace