About Me - Thu, Feb 28, 2019
Intrests, Passions, and Hobbies
Hello, my name is JD Hagood. I am currently a sophmore from Clinton, MS studying electrical engineering (6.2) and math (18) at MIT. My intrest in making was ignited when Radio Shack was going out of business, and I got my first electronics learning kit in deep discount. This kit taught me that I could understand and engineer useful circuits. I later learned how to program Arduinos, and I came to view making as a creative outlet. I signed up for HTMAE to continue to grow my toolbox of skills and make something I will be proud of.
At MIT you can normally find me in maker spaces soldering together my latest project, debugging circuits in Solar Car, trying to have a flash of genius to solve a problem on my math p-sets, rappeling down stairwells, and getting in trouble for rappeling down stairwells.
Outside of MIT I have a love of the outdoors and a newfound love of cross country cycling thanks to MIT SPOKES.