For this project, we were tasked to simulate an interactive microcontroller program. This was my first ever attempt with embedded programming, so i wanted to explore how to program outputs that were interrelated. In the end, I wrote a program that counts on a 7-Segment display through button input, with a small LED monitoring system that changed when certain thresholds were passed.
Here's how I did it:


I Identified the microcontroller I would be working with. The 'SEED STUDIO XIAO (RP2040)' is a very well documented microcontroller with lots of pins. I opted for this in the simulation round also because I'm interested in getting my hands dirty with the Arduino IDE down the line, and the two have a good compatibility.


The first branch within the monitor system I wanted to resolve was the 7-figure display. When in doubt, sketch it out.

To simplify, The 7-Segment Display has the capacity to display 10 digits, 0-9. Each digit is represented by either turning on or off an LED Segment, a-g. We can define a "Truth Table" that says whether a segment, a-g, will be on(1) or off(0) for each of the numbers, 0-9. We'll pass these instruction patterns to the microcontroller to display the numbers we want.