HTMAAA Week 11 / Machine Week

The idea

The idea was to build a coin flipping machine that would be able to flip a coin, and then cross off decisions from a list.

The group website is here

My role

My role: I was basically hot glue. I helped out with the EE team to help configure the software for us to work with Jakes system and to integrate with the front end.

In the end, I ended up building a new server that handled the EE stuff / helped 3D print alot of the parts to make the machine like the corners and stoppers for the 2020 aluminum extrusion to m3 holders.

I also made sure that integrations were working smoothly across teams with Jessica, and really just being at the space to help people out with their software.

At first it was really working with Toni to figure out how we can make parts of the machine work like the way we wanted

  • making the servo move the pen up and down at a certain degrees
  • making the x and y motors move the machine
  • making the solonoid work and trigger at a certain timing

and finally when the python process was not enough, we made a new fastapi server that would handle only the EE server things.

There was a bunch of work to make it happen and mishaps along the way, but with grit and being able to debug things really fast, it ended up working out in the end

The code from EE

As such, here is the code that I made with Toni for making the machine work with code that Jessica ran from the front end.

import asyncio
import traceback

import numpy as np

from maxl.core import MAXLCore, MAXLCoreConfig, MAXLInterpolationIntervals
from maxl.kinematics.scara_arm import ScaraArm
from maxl.one_dof import MAXLOneDOF
from maxl.queue_planner import MAXLQueueConfig, MAXLQueuePlanner
from osap.bootstrap.auto_usb_serial.auto_usb_serial import AutoUSBPorts
from osap.osap import OSAP
from proxies.deadbugger_samd21_proxy import DeadbuggerSamd21Proxy
from proxies.hbridge_samd21_proxy import HbridgeSamd21Proxy
from proxies.maxl_stepper_proxy import MAXLStepperProxy
from proxies.router_teensy_4p1_proxy import RouterTeensy4p1Proxy
from svg.svg_tools import scale_and_process_svg

# we have a 1:6 reduction on these,
# and we want to think about *degrees* at the actuator,

motor_rpu = (1/40)
# motor_accels = 100
# motor_max_rates = 45

xy_accels = 500
xy_max_rates = 10

z_accel = 1000
z_max_rate = 1000

motor_current_scale = 0.35

machine_extents = [100, 100]
jog_rate = 80

current_x = 0
current_y = 0

HOME_X = 0
HOME_Y = 0

osap = None
router = None
motor_a = None
motor_b = None
deadbugger = None
maxl = None
planner = Non

# given exact coords to go to and current position, caclulate xy offset needed to actually move machine
async def calculate_movement_amount(absolute_x,absolute_y):
    return [absolute_x-current_x, absolute_y-current_y]

async def raise_pen():
    global deadbugger
    print("raising pen")
    #  all the way up for the pen
    await deadbugger.write_servo_us(1600)
    # sleep for a second
    await asyncio.sleep(1)

async def lower_pen():
    global deadbugger
    print("lowering pen")
    # lowers the pen all the way to the bottom
    await deadbugger.write_servo_us(0)
    await asyncio.sleep(1)

async def make_flip_once():
    global hbridge
    await hbridge.pulse_bridge(4.5, 100)

# moves by relative position
async def move_xy( x: float, y: float):
    global planner, current_x, current_y, jog_rate
    xyz = [x,y,0]

    # update current position
    current_x += x
    current_y += y
    print("MOVING BY")
    # await planner.goto_via_queue(xyz, jog_rate)
    await planner.goto_and_await(xyz,jog_rate)

async def move_home(jog_rate: float):
    global planner, current_x, current_y

    home_offset = await calculate_movement_amount(HOME_X,HOME_Y)

    current_x += home_offset[0]
    current_y += home_offset[1]

    # Z does nothing but adding nonetheless...
    xyz = home_offset + [0]
    await  planner.goto_and_await(xyz,jog_rate)


async def init_motors(osap: OSAP):
    global motor_a
    global motor_b

    print("... setup actuators")
    motor_a = MAXLStepperProxy(osap, "motor_b")
    motor_b = MAXLStepperProxy(osap, "motor_d")
    await motor_a.begin()
    await motor_a.set_current_scale(motor_current_scale)
    await motor_b.begin()
    await motor_b.set_current_scale(motor_current_scale)

async def init_deadbugger(osap: OSAP):
    global deadbugger
    print("---------------------------------- setting up deadbugger ...")
    deadbugger = DeadbuggerSamd21Proxy(osap, "deadbugger")
    await deadbugger.begin()
    await deadbugger.use_maxl(False)
    print(".... done setting up debugger")

async def init_hbridge(osap: OSAP):
    global hbridge
    print("---------------------------------- setting up hbrdige ...")
    hbridge = HbridgeSamd21Proxy(osap, "hbridge")
    await hbridge.begin()
    print(".... done setting up hbridge")

async def init_system():
    global osap
    global router
    global motor_a
    global motor_b
    global deadbugger
    global hbridge
    global maxl
    global planner

    print("---------------------------------- setup networking ...")
    osap = OSAP("py_coinflipper")
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    usbserial_links = AutoUSBPorts().ports
    for usbserial in usbserial_links:

    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

    print("---------------------------------- collect system ...")
    system_map = await osap.netrunner.update_map()

    print("... collecting router, powering remotes")
    router = RouterTeensy4p1Proxy(osap, "router")
    await router.begin()
    await router.set5_v_switch(True)
    await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
    # the deadbugger actually requires we power it up before we can chat
    # due to dubious power routing choices by jake
    await router.set_pd_request_voltage(15)
    await router.set_vcc_switch(True)
    while True:
        vcc_avail = await router.read_available_vcc()
        print(F"having vcc... {vcc_avail:.2}")
        if vcc_avail > 14.0:
            print("power set, waiting for life...")
            await asyncio.sleep(2)
            await asyncio.sleep(0.25)

    # now re-collect
    system_map = await osap.netrunner.update_map()

    print("---------------------------------- wait for clocks to settle ...")
    await osap.netrunner.await_time_settle(print_updates=True, await_spread_epsilon_us=2000)
    print("... setup actuators")
    await init_motors(osap)
    await init_deadbugger(osap)
    await init_hbridge(osap)

    print("---------------------------------- maxl-ifying")
    maxl = MAXLCore(osap, MAXLCoreConfig(
        actuators=[motor_a, motor_b, deadbugger],

    planner = MAXLQueuePlanner(maxl, MAXLQueueConfig(
        axes_count=3, inertial_axes_count=3,
        max_accels=[500, 500, 1000], max_vels=[100,100,2000],

    # the interior axis is 'a' - distal is 'b'
    def littleguy_graph(time: int):
        # first get pts from the planner,
        # which is thinking in cartesian ways...
        axes_pt = planner.on_new_control_point(time)

        # finally, add scalars:
        actu_a = axes_pt[0]*motor_rpu
        actu_b = axes_pt[1]*motor_rpu

        # have mapped... 2000: all the way down, 1000: all up
        servo = 2000 - axes_pt[2] * 1000
        # 1 = one revolution
        return [actu_a, actu_b, servo]

    print("---------------------------------- startup")
    print("... starting MAXL")
    await maxl.begin()

    print("---------------------------------- run the job!")

async def turn_off():
    global planner
    global router
    print("... flush")
    # await planner.goto_via_queue([50,10,z_up], jog_rate)
    await planner.flush_queue()

    # servo takes a minute
    await asyncio.sleep(1)

    print("... power off")
    await router.set_vcc_switch(False)

    print("---------------------------------- END of main()")
    if maxl is not None:
        await maxl.shutdown()
import asyncio

from fastapi import FastAPI

from async_funcs import (init_system, lower_pen, make_flip_once, move_home,
                         move_xy, raise_pen, turn_off)

app = FastAPI()

async def startup_event():
    await init_system()
    return {"status": "success", "message": "Startup"}

async def move_xy_endpoint(x: float, y: float):
    await move_xy(x, y)
    return {"status": "success", "message": f"Moved to x: {x}, y: {y}"}

async def move_home_endpoint(jog_rate: float):
    await move_home(jog_rate)
    return {"status": "success", "message": "Moved to home position"}

async def raise_pen_endpoint():
    await raise_pen()
    return {"status": "success", "message": "Pen raised"}

async def lower_pen_endpoint():
    await lower_pen()
    return {"status": "success", "message": "Pen lowered"}

async def make_flip_once_endpoint():
    await make_flip_once()
    return {"status": "success", "message": "Flip made once"}

async def shutdown_event():
    await turn_off()
    return {"status": "success", "message": "Shutdown"}

print('running server!!')
Publish on 2024-11-12,Update on 2024-12-18