Week 1

Computer Aided Design

For my week1 project I CADed a day of the week pill box shaped like a turtle. When I was 11 I was diagnosed with a chronic illness that required me to take a pill daily for the rest of my life. At the time, I got a standard day of the week pill box to keep track of my medication. I was hoping there would be some cool pill box design out there so I could at least have a little fun with it, but unfortunately I couldn't find anything. For my week1 CAD-ing assignment, I decided to create the pill box I always wanted. I thought a turtle would be a good design because the shell is already segmented.

At the start I experimented a bit with both FreeCAD and Fusion 360 to get a feel for different softwares and see which I preferred. I found the Fusion 360 UI easier to navigate so I decided to get started. I began by making a hemisphere for the turtle body. I sketched 2 arcs then revolved them to make the body and the shell.

Starting shape. There are two quarter circles being revolved and I used the middle arc surface to slice the revolved parts in two

Then I created a sketch with 7 evenly spaced circles to cut holes in the body. I also created a shell pattern using the 7 hole sketch as center points for each segment. I extruded and intersected the shell pattern with the shell to create the caps for each hole.

(left) sketch used for drilling holes and creating shell pattern. viewed from above. (right) resulting holes and shell segments.

I then added a little rim to the caps so they would stay put. And I added a fillet to make the turtle look mroe round and natural. Also the fillet is good for 3D printing.

(left) rims added to cap. (right) fillet.

Then I got started on finishing touches. I added a head and tail, 4 little legs, and embossed letters for the day of the week onto the shell. I also figured out how to make the material appear as 3D printed plastic and colored.

(left) all the finishing touches. (right) changed the colors and materials.


These are drawings generated using fusion 360 to show the details of the pieces. (left) the entire assembled product. (center) the shell cap for Monday. (right) the body of the turtle.

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