Tutorial Screenshot

Alex gave a Robot Arm Safety Training and we went over controlling the movement of each joint and 3D model of the arm together as a group.


This week was wildcard week, so we were able to choose projects that best interest us. I participated in a group assignment with the CBA team focused on robot arm. Introducing Our Team:

  • Michelle Kim - System integration, path planning to make the robot move, good reflections!
  • Alex Kyaw - Awesome TA, help with everything robot, safety training
  • Marcello Tania - The father of Flappy Bird-playing robot game, implementing evolution neural network, our mental support throughout :)
  • Hye Jun Youn - Creative design director designing cute robot paw, awesome documentation!
  • Jonny Cohen - System integration, optimizing robot communication with the server, best system diagrams!


flappy bird diagram physics of collision Robotic Paw Design

Challenges & Problem Solving

We faced three main challenges in bringing our vision to life.

The first challenge was figuring out the robot’s path planning. With the help of our awesome TA, Alex, we worked through various examples to understand how the robot homes and moves in different degrees of freedom (X, Y, Z, Rx, Ry, Rz) for its joints. From there, we decided on the best Z-height plane (the depth of movement) and coordinates that would work for the spacebar’s orientation.

The second challenge was deciding the best way to "press" the keyboard. One idea was to have the robot learn based on distance, where moving in the -Z direction would press down, and +Z would lift up. Another idea was to focus on optimizing the time delay between pressing down and releasing. We decided to go with optimizing the distance. We also debated whether pressing down and lifting up should count as one motion or be learned as two separate actions. While testing, we noticed that adding delays between motions caused the robot to move awkwardly—stopping mid-motion because it was unnecessarily trying to "learn" the act of going down.

The final, and by far the most time-consuming, challenge was dealing with server lag. We identified several potential issues: 1. Repeatedly calling the robot.getl() function to fetch the robot’s position instead of using a constant value. 2. System strain caused by pygame rendering. 3. Most importantly, network issues with the robot itself.

One solution we considered was using asynchronous or threaded communication for robot commands to avoid blocking the game’s main loop. Instead, we decided to run two separate programs, which gave us more control and simplified things. We also experimented with different game settings—like ground speed, pipe generation rates, and the bird’s movement speed—to make everything run more smoothly.

In the end, we managed to resolve the synchronization issues, and here’s what we achieved:

flappy bird gif

Video edited by Hye Jun Youn

Our Flappy Bird Code

This is code for flappy bird game: 

# (c) Marcello Tania 17/04/21, 
# (c) Modified by Michelle Kim, Jonny Cohen, Marcello Tania 10/12/2024
# This work may be reproduced, modified, distributed,
# performed, and displayed for any purpose. Copyright is
# retained and must be preserved. The work is provided
# as is; no warranty is provided, and users accept all 
# liability.
import time   
import pygame, sys, random
import numpy
# scipy.special for the sigmoid function expit() 
import scipy.special
import socket

# Define the serial port and baud rate.
# Ensure the 'COM#' corresponds to what was seen in the Windows Device Manager
# Note: All robot commands have been replaced with socket sends to the robot server.

# Connect to robot server
HOST = ''  # or IP where is running
PORT = 50007
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((HOST, PORT))

def send_robot_command(cmd):

# Send MOVE_HOME at the start

PI = 3.1415926535
#keyboard = Controller()

# neural network class for the brain of the birds
class Individual():
    # initialise the neural network
    def __init__(self, inputnodes, hiddennodes, outputnodes,fitness):
        # set number of nodes in each input, hidden, output layer
        self.inodes = inputnodes
        self.hnodes = hiddennodes
        self.onodes = outputnodes
        = fitness

        # link weight matrices, wih and who
        # weights inside the arrays are w_i_j, where link is from node i to node j in the next layer
        # w11 w21
        # w12 w22 etc
        self.wih = numpy.random.normal(0.0, pow(self.hnodes,-0.5), (self.hnodes, self.inodes))
        self.who = numpy.random.normal(0.0, pow(self.onodes,-0.5), (self.onodes, self.hnodes))
        self.wih = numpy.array([[-3.34829867,  0.61441159,  2.50556884, -0.37947868],
 [ 0.3240327,   2.35160679, -1.94486032, -2.1700158 ],
 [-2.62540542,  2.33445864, -0.46812661, -2.2635345 ],
 [-1.00241636,  1.89882317, -2.77465566, -1.34619994],
 [-0.20231266,  2.49082877,  1.08143091,  0.53047555],
 [ 0.67497593,  1.52985698, -3.86579115, -0.20542114],
 [ 2.7336978,   2.26497664,  1.96146316, -0.64662931]])
        self.who = numpy.array([[-4.33668794, -1.30929065,  0.05054322,  0.16018827,  2.50858315, -0.42650511, -1.36117085]])
        self.wih = numpy.array([[-3.24829867,  1.06441159,  2.35556884, -0.17947868],
                                [ 0.6740327,   2.15160679, -1.54486032, -1.4700158 ],
                                [-2.72540542,  2.18445864, -0.81812661, -2.3135345 ],
                                [-0.85241636,  2.39882317, -2.52465566, -1.19619994],
                                [-0.05231266,  2.19082877,  0.88143091,  0.23047555],
                                [ 0.57497593,  1.57985698, -4.36579115,  0.19457886],
                                [ 2.6336978,   2.51497664,  1.51146316, -0.69662931]])

        self.who = numpy.array([[-4.38668794, -1.20929065,  0.40054322,  0.16018827,  2.95858315, -0.42650511, -1.01117085]])


        # activation function is the sigmoid function
        self.activation_function = lambda x: scipy.special.expit(x)
      # query the neural network
    def query(self, inputs_list):
        # convert inputs list to 2d array
        inputs = numpy.array(inputs_list, ndmin=2).T
        # calculate signals into hidden layer 
        hidden_inputs =, inputs)
        # calculate the signals emerging from hidden layer 
        hidden_outputs = self.activation_function(hidden_inputs)
        # calculate signals into final output layer 
        final_inputs =, hidden_outputs) 
        # calculate the signals emerging from final output layer
        final_outputs = self.activation_function(final_inputs)

        return final_outputs

class Block(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    Block class to take the surface and put a rectangle around it 
    and put it on the screen
    def __init__(self,path,x_pos,y_pos):
        self.image = pygame.image.load(path).convert()
        self.image = pygame.transform.scale2x(self.image)
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center = (x_pos,y_pos))

class Floor(Block):
    Floor class representing the floor of the game
    VEL = 1
    def __init__(self,path,x_pos,y_pos):
        self.x_pos = x_pos
        self.y_pos = y_pos
    def move(self):
        Move floor so it looks like its scrolling
        :param speed: the velocity of the floor
        :return: None
        self.x_pos -= self.VEL
        if self.x_pos <= -576:
            self.x_pos = 576
    def draw(self, screen):
        Draw the floor. This is two imgaes that move together.
        :param screen: the pygame surface or window
        :return: None
        screen.blit(self.image, (self.x_pos,self.y_pos))
class Bird(Block):
    Bird class representing the flappy bird
    GRAVITY = 0.1
    VEL = 9
    def __init__(self,path,x_pos,y_pos):
        Initialize the object
        :param x_pos: starting x pos (int)
        :param y_pos: starting y pos (int)
        :return: None
        self.x_pos = x_pos
        self.y_pos = y_pos
        self.bird_movement = 0
        self.score = 0
        self.high_score = 0
    def jump(self):
        make the bird jump
        :return: None
        self.bird_movement = 0
        self.bird_movement -= self.VEL
    def move(self):
        Make the bird fall and jump
        :param gravity: gravity velocity
        :return: None
        self.bird_movement += self.GRAVITY
    def check_collision(self, pipes):
        Check the bird if it collides vertically or with the pipes
        :param pipes: list of the pipes
        :return: True = collision detected
        :return: False = no collision
        for pipe in pipes:
            if self.rect.colliderect(pipe):
                return False
        if <= -100 or self.rect.bottom >= 900:
            return False
        return True
    def draw(self, screen):
        Draw the bird
        :param win: the pygame surface or window
        :return: None
        self.rect.y += self.bird_movement
        screen.blit(self.image, (self.rect.x,self.rect.y))
    def pos_y(self):
        Bird postition
        :return: y position of bird
        return self.rect.y
    def pipe_score_check(self, pipes):
        Add score if bird pass through the pipes
        :return: None
        if pipes:
            for pipe in pipes:
                if 95 < pipe.centerx < 105:
                    self.score += 0.5
    def update_score(self):
        Check for new high score
        :return: high score
        if self.score > self.high_score:
            self.high_score = self.score
        return self.high_score
    def score_display(self):
        Display score and highscore
        :return: none
        score_surface = game_font.render(f'Score: {int(self.score)}',True,(255,255,255))
        score_rect = score_surface.get_rect(topleft = (20,50))
        screen.blit(score_surface, score_rect)
        score_surface = game_font.render(f'High score: {int(self.update_score())}',True,(255,255,255))
        score_rect = score_surface.get_rect(topleft = (20,100))
        screen.blit(score_surface, score_rect)
class Pipe():
    Pipe class representing the pipes
    VEL = 10
    GAP = 500
    HEIGHT = [490,550,600]
    X_INIT = 700
    def __init__(self,path):
        Initialize the object
        :return: None
        self.image = pygame.image.load(path).convert()
        self.image = pygame.transform.scale2x(self.image)
        #self.height = self.image.get_height()
    def create_pipe(self):
        Create a list of top and bottom pipes
        :return: tupple of top and bottom pipes
        random_pipe_pos = random.choice(self.HEIGHT)
        bottom_pipe = self.image.get_rect(midtop = (self.X_INIT,random_pipe_pos))
        top_pipe =  self.image.get_rect(midbottom = (self.X_INIT,random_pipe_pos - self.GAP))
        return bottom_pipe,top_pipe
    def move(self, pipes):
        Move all the pipes
        :return: visible pipes list
        for pipe in pipes:
            pipe.centerx -= self.VEL
        visible_pipes = [pipe for pipe in pipes if pipe.right> -50]
        return visible_pipes

    def draw(self, screen, pipes):
        Draw the pipe.
        :param screen: the pygame surface or window
        :return: None
        for pipe in pipes:
            if pipe.bottom >= 1024:
                screen.blit(self.image, pipe)
                flip_pipe = pygame.transform.flip(self.image,False,True)
                screen.blit(flip_pipe, pipe)
    def pos_x(self, pipes):
        # only take the pipe in front of the bird and shown on the screen
        visible_pipes = [pipe for pipe in pipes if pipe.centerx > 100 and pipe.right < 550]
        # only take the bottom pipe because top and bottom pipes x positions are the same
        bottom_pipes = [pipe for pipe in visible_pipes if pipe.bottom >= 1024]
        for pipe in bottom_pipes:
            x = pipe.centerx
            return x
    def pos_y_bottom(self,pipes):
        # To do: Find the clossest pipe
        visible_pipes = [pipe for pipe in pipes if pipe.centerx > 100 and pipe.right < 550]
        # only take the bottom pipe because top and bottom pipes x positions are the same
        bottom_pipes = [pipe for pipe in visible_pipes if pipe.bottom >= 1024]
        for pipe in bottom_pipes:
            y =
            return y
    def pos_y_top(self,pipes):
        # To do: Find the clossest pipe
        visible_pipes = [pipe for pipe in pipes if pipe.centerx > 100 and pipe.right < 550]
        # only take the bottom pipe because top and bottom pipes x positions are the same
        bottom_pipes = [pipe for pipe in visible_pipes if pipe.bottom >= 1024]
        for pipe in bottom_pipes:
            y = + self.GAP
            return y

def end_game():
    print('Generation\tBest fitness')

    for i in range(1,gen+1):

    print('The best so far is {}:'.format(round(,5)))
    print('The best so far who {}:'.format(best_so_far.who))
    print('The best so far wih {}:'.format(best_so_far.wih))


# General Setup
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
game_font = pygame.font.Font('04B_19.ttf',40)
# Main Window
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((576,1024))
bg_surface = pygame.image.load('assets/background-day.png').convert()
bg_surface = pygame.transform.scale2x(bg_surface)
# Game Objects
floor_surface1 = Floor('assets/base.png',0,900)
floor_surface2 = Floor('assets/base.png',576,900)
bird_surface = Bird('assets/bluebird-midflap.png',100,512)
pipe_surface = Pipe('assets/pipe-green.png')
pipe_list = []

# Global Variable
game_active = True

# number of input, hidden and output nodes 
input_nodes = 4
hidden_nodes = 7
output_nodes = 1

POP_SIZE = 10 # defining population size
NUM_GEN = 300

X_BIAS = 0.8
MUT_RATE = 0.3
STEP_SIZE = 0.05

person = [None] * POP_SIZE
offspring = [None] * POP_SIZE

best_fitness = [None] * (NUM_GEN+1)

flag_dead = False
indiv = 0
gen = 1

# initialize best so far
best_so_far = Individual(input_nodes,hidden_nodes,output_nodes,0)

# Create first population
print('Geration : 0, HELLO WORLD!')

for i in range(POP_SIZE):
    person[i] = Individual(input_nodes,hidden_nodes,output_nodes,0)
    offspring[i] = person[i]

for x in range(1000):

while True:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and game_active:
            if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and game_active == False:
                game_active = True
       = (100,512)
                bird_surface.bird_movement = 0
                bird_surface.score = 0

                for x in range(1000):

                flag_dead = False

        if event.type == SPAWNPIPE:
    # Background
    screen.blit(bg_surface, (0,0))
    if game_active:
        # Bird

        game_active = bird_surface.check_collision(pipe_list)

        # Pipe
        pipe_list = pipe_surface.move(pipe_list)
        # Data input
        bird_y = bird_surface.pos_y()
        pipes_x = pipe_surface.pos_x(pipe_list)
        pipe_y_bottom = pipe_surface.pos_y_bottom(pipe_list)
        pipe_y_top = pipe_surface.pos_y_top(pipe_list)
        person[indiv].fitness += 0.01

        # Keep it neutral when the pipes has not shown on the screen
        if pipes_x == None:
            pipes_x = 500
            pipe_y_bottom = 600
            pipe_y_top = 900
        data_inputs = numpy.array([bird_y, pipes_x, pipe_y_bottom, pipe_y_top])
        # Bird think using the Artificial Neural Network
        data_output = person[indiv].query(data_inputs)
        if data_output >= 0.5:
            #send H to microcontroler

        # Show Bird ID on screen
        indiv_surface = game_font.render(f'Bird ID: {indiv}',True,(255,255,255))
        screen.blit(indiv_surface, (20,10))
        # Show generation on screen
        gen_surface = game_font.render(f'Generation: {gen}',True,(255,255,255))
        screen.blit(gen_surface, (20,150))

        # Print the performance after the player is death
        if flag_dead == False:
            flag_dead = True


            if indiv < POP_SIZE-1:
                game_active = True
       = (100,512)
                bird_surface.bird_movement = 0
                bird_surface.score = 0
                #person[indiv].fitness = 0

                flag_dead = False
                indiv += 1
                # select parents and generating offspring phenotype
                for indiv in range(POP_SIZE):

                    i1 = random.randrange(POP_SIZE) # choose parent 
                    i2 = random.randrange(POP_SIZE) # choose parent 
                    i3 = random.randrange(POP_SIZE) # choose parent 

                    if person[i1].fitness >= person[i2].fitness:
                        mom = i1
                        mom = i2
                    if person[i3].fitness >= person[mom].fitness:
                        mom = i3

                    i1 = random.randrange(POP_SIZE) # choose parent 
                    i2 = random.randrange(POP_SIZE) # choose parent 
                    i3 = random.randrange(POP_SIZE) # choose parent 

                    if person[i1].fitness >= person[i2].fitness:
                        dad = i1
                        dad = i2
                    if person[i3].fitness >= person[dad].fitness:
                        dad = i3
                    # Crossover for who
                    for i in range(hidden_nodes):
                        if random.random()< X_BIAS:
                            offspring[indiv].who[0,i] = person[mom].who[0][i]
                            offspring[indiv].who[0,i] = person[dad].who[0][i]

                    # Crossover for wih
                    for i in range(input_nodes):
                        for ii in range(hidden_nodes):
                            if random.random()< X_BIAS:
                                offspring[indiv].wih[ii,i] = person[mom].wih[ii][i]
                                offspring[indiv].wih[ii,i] = person[dad].wih[ii][i]
                    # Mutation for who
                    for i in range(hidden_nodes):
                        if random.random()< MUT_RATE:
                            r = (random.randint(0, 1))%2 *2-1 # create a number either -1 or 1 (sign)
                            offspring[indiv].who[0,i] += r*STEP_SIZE

                    # Mutation for wih
                    for i in range(input_nodes):
                        for ii in range(hidden_nodes):
                            if random.random()< MUT_RATE:
                                r = (random.randint(0, 1))%2 *2-1 # create a number either -1 or 1 (sign)
                                offspring[indiv].wih[ii,i] += r*STEP_SIZE
                # update statistical analysis
                best_fitness[gen] = person[0].fitness
                print('Generation : {}'.format(gen))
                for i in range(POP_SIZE):
                    #update statistical analysis
                    if person[i].fitness >= best_fitness[gen]:
                        best_indiv = i
                        best_fitness[gen] = person[i].fitness

                if best_fitness[gen] >
                    best_so_far.who = person[best_indiv].who.copy()
                    best_so_far.wih = person[best_indiv].wih.copy()
           = person[best_indiv].fitness
                print('The best fitness is {}'.format(round(best_fitness[gen],5)))
                print('The best so far is {}:'.format(round(,5)))
                print('Offspring :')
                for i in range(POP_SIZE):

                # Restart for having a new generation
                if gen < NUM_GEN:
                    gen += 1
                    game_active = True
           = (100,512)
                    bird_surface.bird_movement = 0
                    bird_surface.score = 0
                    indiv = 0 # restart for having a new generation
                    flag_dead = False
                    # Next generation parents are replaced by the offspring
                    for i in range(POP_SIZE):
                        person[i] = offspring[i]
                        #restart fitness
                        person[i].fitness = 0
                        #TO DO with best so far

                else :
    # Floors