Week 3: Embedded Programming

WokWi Basic Bluetooth Keyboard


The goal for week three is to gain and understanding of embedded programming by using simulations for working with microcontrollers. I’ll primarily be using WokWi.

Choosing a Microcontroller

As a group assignment, we all analyzed a variety of embedded architectures and the workflows around them to help determine the best microcontrollers for each of our respective uses. For my final project, I’m now leaning towards creating a blackberry-styled case for an Apple Wtch with a Bluetooth QUERTY keyboard. So when looking at microcontroller options, I was prioritizing:

  • small form factor
  • Bluetooth capable
  • low power requirements

This led me to the ESP32-C3 microcontroller and the Nordic nRF5840. Both are available in a XAIO form factor, which streamlines the programming workflow. Between the two, the nRF5840 is roughly double the price and reportedly more difficult to program. For that reason, I am leaning towards using the ESP32. It also doesn’t hurt that ESP32s are available to simulate in WokWi!

WokWi Simulation

I started on WokWi by choosing the ESP32-C3 setup. I played around a little with connecting a button and a light to make sure I could reproduce some of the basic setups we saw in class, and then decided to simulate something more applicable to my final project. I hooked up a keypad to the microcontroller, using the closest General Purpose Input/Output pins to create a streamlined look. I then setup a script that broke the keys down into rows and columns, and assigned each row and column to a GPIO. Finally, I set up a script to recognize the output. It mostly worked the first time through, but the keys were reversed left-to-right; if I pressed ‘1’, the output was ‘A’, and vice versa. I decided to try remedying this a few ways.

Reversed L/R

First, I changed the layout of my rows and columns and reversed them:

{‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘A’} > {‘A’, ‘3’, ‘2’, ‘1’}

{‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘B’} > {‘B’, ‘6’, ‘5’, ‘4’}

{‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’, ‘C’} > {‘C’, ‘9’, ‘8’, ‘7’}

{’’, ‘0’, ‘#’, ‘D’} > {‘D’, ‘#’, ‘0’, ‘’}

Flipped Keypad in Code: Success!

This worked, but in hindsight seemed silly. I changed the layout of the rows and columns back to normal, and then instead quickly reversed the pins I assigned to each row and column…

Extra Silly: Flipped All Pins in Code

…which in hindsight was also silly, because only the columns were backwards, not the rows. Finally I set things to normal, and also converted the project to micropython to get practice in that instead of C++.

At this point I achieved the basic functionality I was after. I decided to take things a step further to see if I could simulate a Bluetooth connection and have my inputs type onto a screen.

Sadly, this was unsuccesful; when I try to initialize Bluetooth in the ESP32-C3, I get a server build error from WokWi (not in the code output). From talking with classmates, this is a limitation of WokWi and not a code issue. If You would like to examine my attempts, however, you can see them here: https://wokwi.com/dashboard/projects

Written By

Nathan Wiegand