Final Project: Mini Vending Machine

I have decided to make a (mini) vending machine for my final project. I'm not really sure why this came to mind, but it was actually my first idea, and it honestly just stuck. I like that it incorportates both mechanical and electronic components. In reality, vending machines get on my nerve every time I use them. I'm sure this one will also bring me a fair share of frustration, but I imagine it will be much more rewarding.

My design will be different than your average vending machine. First of all, it will be much smaller. It has to be light enough that I can physically carry it. It will therefore have 2-4 snack options only. I also want the design to be as simple as possible, so it will be coin-activated.

Here is my initial sketch:

initial vending machine sketch

A list of the main components and loose plans on how to make them:


Nice to haves:

Here is a rough system diagram:

system diagram

And here is a schedule for finishing everything on time:
