Week 15: Project Development

Project Presentation Goal

For my final project presentation, I aim to focus on 3 key components:


Project Development Process

Here is an overview of my development process. I started to really do to bulk of my final presentation prep during Week 11: Networking & Communications.
By this point, I had a clear direction of my final project, and could really start thinking about my process & execution.

Of all of the steps in my final project, I am most intimidated by the electronics. I know I will get there, but it will be a push!

Final Project Reflection 🤔

I can't believe this is the final week of HTMAA. Honestly, I'm sad! I cannot think of any other course & oppportunity that truly forces you to dive into the deepend to lean & ask questions about quite literally anything & everything.

As I head into my final project push, there are a few things that stand out!

  • Git files that are too big / undo last commit in git: git reset --soft HEAD^.
    This has become my friend, but I was nervous learnign about the commit limit at first because I thought I lost my ENTIRE website.

  • Every day I pinch myself that I'm surrounded by the world's smartest people. I'm constantly amazed every week by show & tell, make me want to stretch my intellectual boundaries and curiosty.

  • Our TFs are amazing, here to support us. Sometimes I was scared to ask the overly simple questions, but Leo / Gail / Anthony were always there to support!!